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    Zhong Leyou is still unwilling to see a psychiatrist.

    Naturally, the previous incidents were not exposed, let alone let him know, but when Lin Suxi asked Zhong Leyou how he was thinking about seeing the doctor, he only responded in silence, and finally said weakly that he did not want to go.

    Although the sound is not loud, it weighs a lot.

    He didn't want to go, he didn't want to go, Lin Suxi couldn't drag him away, even if she could really do this, if she refused to say a word to the doctor Zhong Leyou, it would still be of no use.

    The reason why Zhong Leyou didn't want to go was also very simple.

    He fears.

    Memories of the past surrounded him like thick spider silk. He moved forward and backward, raised his hands and feet, but he couldn't break free.

    If anyone can clean up these spider silks in one go, then he will be happy to cooperate - but there is no such way, all the ways are to let him remove these memories that are entangled in his body bit by bit.

    This kind of process is too painful, every time he goes, it seems to be going through the pain again and again, he can't bear it.

    What's more, no matter how professional a doctor is, he is a stranger to him. He can't trust strangers, and he can't reveal the things in his heart to others.

    He hated the feeling of being stared at, it made him extremely insecure.

    Maybe it would be better to find out a little later, maybe he received enough treatment before the communication disorder induced, and he would not be like this now.

    But right now, there can be no progress at all.

    Although Lin Suxi's verbal persuasion was ineffective, Leng Fujun's actual actions went well - he started running with Zhong Leyou, starting from five kilometers a day.

    Long aerobic workouts can be grueling in the process, but can be incredibly rewarding afterward. When he has no time to go to the gym, Leng Fujun runs by himself or at night, and if the time is awkward, he exercises in the gym at home.

    In the past, I was alone, but later I brought Zhong Leyou with me.

    Zhong Leyou didn't understand why Leng Fujun insisted on pulling him to run together, but he didn't dare to ask or refuse. Leng Fujun bought him sportswear and running shoes, and took him out for a run.

    Every morning at six o'clock, two people and one dog.

    At the beginning, Zhong Leyou couldn't keep up at all, not even five kilometers, but he felt that he was going to die soon after only two kilometers. But persistence is victory. After running with Leng Fujun intermittently for more than half a month, the five kilometers of walking and running ended like this.

    At that time, what kept his life alive was the breakfast after running every morning - in the past, it was hard to have an appetite when he woke up early, but after exercising, he was hungry, and Zhong Leyou ate more in the morning.

    And to some extent, running did cheer him up a lot.

    Every time I sweat, it seems to be able to take away a lot of negative emotions. In addition, he does not run alone. Leng Fujun always goes with him. Leng Fujun supervises and encourages him all the way. Slowly, five kilometers From the impossible at the beginning to the achievable.

    It's just that the weather is getting colder. In mid-November, the temperature drops sharply. It's fine when the sun is shining at noon, but it starts to freeze sooner or later.

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