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    Zhong Leyou gradually became cheerful and able to speak, which was a joyful thing for everyone. Regardless of the process, at least the result is not bad now.

    It has been more than four months for Leng Mianmian, the longer the better, the more he looks like Zhong Leyou, the more he looks like Leng Fujun, he fully understands the advantages of only taking the two of them, they are as cute and delicate as they are from New Year pictures Come out doll.

    Because Zhong Leyou didn't know how to take care of the child correctly, so the major matters of the child were basically decided by Song Shengqiao. At this point, there will never be a collision of ideas between the two generations in their family, only Zhong Leyou will feed the children indiscriminately, and Song Shengqiao, who is frightened by Hui Hui, will stop him.

    Everyone can feel that the cold noodles seem to be Zhong Leyou's pointing tower. After having a child, he seems to have found a fixed point, and he is more courageous and outgoing than before. Moreover, his relationship with the Lin family is even better after he has a child. If he was always separated from each other and could not really get close, now, Zhong Leyou's attitude towards the Lin family is obviously closer.

    Time is the best medicine to heal all wrinkles. After a long time, the Lin family saw the changes in Zhong Leyou's body, and gradually accepted the matter between him and Leng Fujun from just accepting to approving.

    Although what Leng Fujun did to Zhong Leyou at the beginning and the methods he used to treat them later made them still feel angry when they thought about it now, but there are some things that cannot be judged by pure right or wrong before the results come out. The world of adults is involved with too many interests, and they cannot do whatever they want. Right and wrong, in addition to black and white, there are non-black and non-white.

    But their wish for Zhong Leyou has been pure and unique from the very beginning, but that is to hope that Zhong Leyou will be well.

    No matter how twists and turns they have experienced before, everything that is shown in front of their eyes is at least good. Now that it is good, it is the best. It's not like they have to do something about Leng Fujun to get angry. They only hope that Leng Fujun can continue to treat Zhong Leyou like this, don't let him get hurt again, and keep him safe, healthy and happy.

    Leng Fujun's attitude towards Leng Mianmian is also quite different from the previous two months. In fact, when Leng Mianmian first came out, Leng Fujun didn't know how to hug him very much, and even felt like he couldn't look directly at him.

    The baby was so cute and flawless, compared to how shameless and hateful his father was. When he thought about the true origin of Leng Mianmian and what happened to Leyou when he was born, he felt that he had sinned so much that he had no way to face this newborn child.

    But as the days passed, the cold face became more and more beautiful day by day, especially the pair of eyes, which were almost carved out of the same mold as Zhong Leyou, and they loved to laugh so much. Once he opened his palm and pinched one of Leng Fujun's fingers, as if grabbing some interesting and novelty toy, and then laughed and danced all over his body. Anyone who saw that appearance couldn't help but soften.

    Leng Mianmian likes to be hugged by Leng Fujun very much, probably because every time he hugs him, Hei Ni will come over, and then half throw himself on Leng Fujun and scream—although I don’t know Heini was barking something, but Leng Mianmian was very happy to hear Heini's barking. He was not even afraid of such a big dog, and wanted to reach out to touch it. It's just that he is still too young, the adults dare not let him have direct contact with the black mud for the time being.

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