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Since late June, Zhong Leyou vaguely felt that something was wrong with her.

Well, he suddenly becomes tired easily, sleepy all the time, picky eater, and doesn't want to eat most of the things he liked before.

Plus the weather is hot and stuffy.

He felt even more uncomfortable, and couldn't breathe at all.

The aunt who took care of him was afraid that he might be suffering from heatstroke, and wanted him to take some medicine to cool off the heat, but she took the medicine and poured water in front of Zhong Leyou. There was also a burst of pain in the abdomen, and I felt uncomfortable all over.

He was so self-willed that he pushed the medicine far away and refused to take anything.

It must be the final exam during this period, and the pressure is too great, Zhong Leyou thought so. He is reviewing at home, but there is actually nothing to review, because nothing can be reflected in his mind, he is too lazy to worry about what will happen to his grades in the end, he just sleeps in a drowsy sleep until the end of time, if it is not true Never wake up when you are full of sleep.

Such days probably lasted for several days. The two aunts saw that they were getting thinner and thinner, and they felt that they couldn't pretend that nothing happened, so they hurriedly reported the situation to Leng Fujun.

When Leng Fujun got busy, he couldn't find where his head grew. I went to a factory in Vietnam just two days ago, and I was just coming back. Hearing what my aunt said, I went home immediately after getting off the plane.

It was the end of June, and the weather was extremely boring. Zhong Leyou had the last theory exam left. Since it was an open-book exam, she didn't take it too seriously.

He has been feeling uncomfortable in his stomach for the past few days. After eating some lettuce at noon, he felt nauseated all over, so he took a nap on the sofa. After waking up in a daze, I felt a lot more comfortable, and then I felt a little hungry, so I ate an apple.

When Leng Fujun stepped into the house, he was slowly eating half of an apple.

At a glance, Leng Fujun felt that Zhong Leyou had lost at least five catties. He wasn't fat at all, he had no flesh on his face, and being five catties thin might not sound like much, but from a visual point of view, he had lost a lot of weight.

Leng Fujun didn't even care about his exhaustion. Seeing Zhong Leyou like this, he strode over: "...What's the matter? Why did you lose so much weight all of a sudden?"

Zhong Leyou didn't care much, Leng Fujun hadn't come back for a long time, so he called out first, Then he said: "...I'm fine, it's just that I'm a little annoyed by the final exam during this period..."

Leng Fujun felt nonsense when he heard it.

But at that moment, Leng Fujun recalled that this child had post-traumatic stress disorder-could it be that he had the same stress disorder for the final exam now, so all the exams became like this?

It feels like an exaggeration, but it's not impossible that this kid has only one guts.

Seeing his expression, Leng Fujun was worried, and touched the man's forehead. He didn't have a fever, but he was still worried, and wanted to take him to the hospital if he didn't want to.

Zhong Leyou was weak all over, and if Leng Fujun really wanted to pull him up, he would definitely be unable to resist. But he was lazy, he didn't even move his fingers, and when Leng Fujun pulled him, he became irritable all at once.

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