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    If you want to know what Leng Fujun is best at when facing Zhong Leyou, you must not escape the following things. The first is coaxing and deceiving, the second is to push forward, and the third is to be sloppy. Regardless of any of these three items, he has already practiced to the point of proficiency - it seems that he is shameless, but Zhong Leyou just likes this.

    Leng Fujun finally managed to coax Zhong Leyou from tears after this meal, and then watched the person eat well, and observed for a while to make sure that nothing happened to Zhong Leyou before he dared to relax.

    Zhong Leyou's crying just now was really scary, especially when Leng Fujun couldn't breathe anymore, Leng Fujun's heart almost went to his throat.

    But that's how he knew that Zhong Leyou had been wronged, and of course he blamed himself in his heart. If something happened to Zhong Leyou because of this, he would not be able to compensate him no matter what.

    I didn't go out for a walk after dinner that day.

    Zhong Leyou needs to rest. Leng Fujun made a fuss, and then cried again. After eating, his head was heavy and his stomach and legs were limp. He only thought about going to sleep.

    But even so, Zhong Leyou persisted until Leng Fujun squeezed a glass of fresh juice for him to rehydrate him, and then he was willing to go to sleep after drinking it.

    After nightfall it started to rain.

    In the middle of summer, if it is not complete, it will turn into a thunderstorm. This is what Leng Fujun is really worried about, so he took Zhong Leyou to his room to sleep as a matter of course.

    This is something he has planned for a long time, coupled with the cooperation of external conditions at this time, Leng Fujun will always have to do it before he is willing to give up.

    That is Zhong Leyou buy one get three free, in addition to the one in the belly, there is also a cat and a dog as a gift. Ever since Zhong Leyou became pregnant, Heini hadn't slept in Zhong Leyou's room again, but it still slept in Zhong Leyou's room every night. Seeing that Zhong Leyou was carried to her by Leng Fujun tonight, it immediately fell asleep. Keep up.

    Leng Fujun felt that the father-son friendship between himself and Heini was currently undergoing a huge test. Now it seems that Zhong Leyou is more important to it—or, Heini is very serious about guarding the baby in Zhong Leyou's stomach.

    The last time Zhong Leyou fell asleep on the sofa, Leng Fujun just wanted to carry him back to the room, but when he touched Zhong Leyou with his hand, Heini immediately raised his head and stared at him with dangerous eyes. Like in—take your hand off him/man, I am watg on you/If you weren't my dad, I would have already given you a bite.

    It's been better recently, at least when he hugged Zhong Leyou tightly to the room, Hei Ni just followed, and didn't do anything else.

    Heini slept on the carpet with Sanwu, Leng Fujun watched Zhong Leyou slowly fall asleep.

    At this time, Leng Fujun was very calm in his heart. After all, he had only eaten one meal. Although he was not 100% full, he would not starve himself anymore. So seeing Zhong Leyou falling asleep, Leng Fujun just felt relieved, at most he sneaked a kiss on the face, and did nothing else.

    After confirming that Zhong Leyou had really fallen asleep, Leng Fujun woke up and went outside to smoke a cigarette.

    This time, he really considered quitting smoking, but it would be too much torture to quit smoking in one breath, so Leng Fujun planned to take his time, starting with reducing the dose. To be honest, he's doing well this time. From Zhong Leyou's pregnancy to the present, from the initial pain to the present, he has been able to smoke at most one cigarette a day.

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