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    In fact, when he heard Song Shengqiao requesting himself so much, Leng Fujun also wondered if this might be Leng Dong's trick.

    After all, if someone hadn't proposed such a request to Song Shengqiao, she would never have thought of it—but the only person who could propose such a request to her was Lin Suxi except Leng Dongzhong. He thought that Lin Suxi wouldn't, she didn't know where she lived at all, and the only suspect was Leng Dongzhong in an instant.

    Leng Fujun didn't know what the hell he was planning.

    He even felt that Leng Dong was making trouble for himself.

    For a child like Zhong Leyou, if he wants to take care of him by himself, it is not much different from taking care of a child. But because his reasons for this matter were quite good, and it was true that he looked decent, it made Leng Fujun hesitate whether he had misunderstood Leng Dongzhong.

    To be honest, it's not that Leng Fujun can't refuse Song Shengqiao.

    According to his current right to speak, if he said "no", no one in the whole family would dare to do anything to him. It doesn't matter how many relatives theories come up with, he doesn't want to, and no one can force him to do it.

    But it's just one thing.

    Besides, the more people like them, the more they care about their own face and reputation.

    It's true that Leng Dong is serious, Leng Fujun is a face-saving person, he cares about his own image, and even more about his own evaluation. All the surly, vicious and cruel parts of his character are well hidden under his humble, steady, old-fashioned and filial appearance.

    Now the Leng family's business is almost all in his hands. Although his father and uncle are still there, his father has almost faded away, and now his uncle is also looking at him.

    The more he is like this, the more he has to take care of his family and act like the elder.

    It's just that my brother's brother-in-law wants him to take care of him for a period of time. If there are too many things, I should just do it.

    Zhong Leyou moved to Leng Fujun's place the day before the official report.

    Strictly speaking, he was the one who opposed it the most, because he didn't want to live with Leng Fujun at all—and it was just the two of them, or he would live in Leng Fujun's house.

    But his sister and brother-in-law are both good, Song Shengqiao is also good, and Lin's parents think it's okay, so he dare not be unwilling.

    Lin Suxi was going to send him there that day, but she was persuaded by Leng Dong—his elder brother sent someone to pick him up, so if you send him there again, wouldn't it seem that you don't trust him?

    In fact, how could Leng Fujun think this way? Leng Dongzhong just wanted to make things difficult for Leng Fujun and leave all troublesome things to him.

    The cold winter is coming again, and the psychiatrist is also here. It is necessary to exercise him properly. The more you protect, the more Leyou shrinks into his own world. It's time to put some pressure on him and let him slowly accept this world.

    How nice.

    Leaving aside the calculations in Leng Dong's heart, what he said to others is simply a perfect example. In the end, Lin Suxi was persuaded by him and did not go to see Zhong Leyou off.

    Zhong Leyou was not picked up by Leng Fujun himself.

    Leng Fujun asked the housekeeper to send people to his place. It was afternoon when Zhong Leyou arrived, but Leng Fujun just got up, dressed in casual home clothes, and was playing with the dog in the front yard.

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