Welcome home

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I parked my car in the driveway and turned it off. Just as I was opening the door, a high- pitched voice screamed my name.

I turned around, only to find my strawberry blonde friend running straight towards me. She engulfed me in a hug, squeezing so tight I could barely breathe.

Tears filled my eyes. In her embrace, I felt the love and care we have for each other. Tina is a sister to me. She's the closest thing I have to family, and seeing her again after all this time made us both emotional with no doubt.

"Welcome home", she said in my hair.

~ ~ ~

I entered her house with a red nose and slightly puffy eyes. Tina insisted I hangout with her and rest before going into my grandpa's beach house.

Her house didn't change that much. The decoration got upgraded as well as a few of the furniture, but the vibe of the house hasn't changed. 

She heads over to the couch and I follow her, still looking around.

- So... she starts. How're you doin' ? You know, with Tristan and shit.
- I'm fine, actually. It was my idea to take that break, you know. He has no idea I'm here though. Didn't tell him. Just straight up packed while he was at work yesterday and took off this morning.

Tina was about to answer when we hear someone open and close the door.

- Oh my God! Isn't that Tris Prior ?!

A smile spreads on my lips. I haven't heard that nickname in so long. I get up and quickly close the distance between Jake and I, hugging him tightly.

I step back and say:
- Never grew out of your Divergent phase, huh?
- What can I say? You bring out the geek in me, Prior.

He passes by and pats my hair, just like he used to when we were kids.

- Great to see you too, fangirl, I chuckle.

Tina winks at me. "Fangirl" is the name we gave Jake due to his different obsession phases: first it was Harry Potter, then the Hunger Games, there also was Divergent, Percy Jackson, and all sorts of dystopian world that existed. He'd buy posters, sweaters, gadgets, and merch related to them. Just like a fangirl.

~ ~ ~

Tina was making us her signature smoothie, while I sat on the kitchen counter. We were all three catching up. I asked about their parents, who live abroad for work.

- What about you, though? Jake asks. How come you've decided to come here so unexpectedly?

Silence fell in the room.

Tina clears her throat. "She did tell me she was coming.."

Jake's eyebrows perk up.

- Oh really? When? he asks, skeptical.
- This morning, she mutters.

Jake's gaze moves back and forth between me and Tina. I look down.

"Ohhhhhh", he lets out. "I see... Trouble in paradise? What did prince charming do this time ?" he says, rolling his eyes.

I sigh.
- Nothing. It's... not important.
- But it's important enough for you to leave New York and stay here. Without him. So that's like seven hours away, in a whole other state. And you wanna convince me there's nothing going on? Cmon Prior, I know you better than that.

I roll my eyes.

- Fine. Tristan and I are on a break. He doesn't know where I am, what I'm doing, what I'm gonna do. It's a no-contact, 2 weeks long break.

Jake scoffs.

- Well, that's real fucking shit.

Tina slaps him on the arm.

- Ouch! What was that for?!
- The woman is sitting on our kitchen counter listening to you making fun of her while her heart is breaking! Nobody made fun of you while you were moping around when Cassie left!

Jake's playful expression fades and he looks at Tina with big eyes.

I get off the counter, a smile spreading on my lips.

- Oh. My. God. Sassy Cassie???

I turn to Tina, Jake was too busy covering his face with his hands.


I turn to Jake with the widest evil grin.

- Tell me everything.

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