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I was worried to my core, and kept checking my phone the whole time.

Jake hasn't come back since... you know.

I was still pacing back and forth when I finally received a notification from him, replying to my multiple missed calls and endless unanswered texts.

"Going surfing with the guys in the morning. Not coming back soon"


Jake's POV

"Nuh-uh. You're so not saying that to her", Oliver says behind me.

I shoot a glare at him as he's obviously been looking at my phone over my shoulder. 

- Why? Luke frowns. What'd he say?

Before I even open my mouth, Oliver snatches the phone from my hands. "Look."

I roll my eyes in annoyance as they discuss my "apparent communication issues with women". 

It's when they start typing new messages that I decide to get up and take my fucking phone back.

- Yo chill, Jake! Why are you so mad anyways?! You know she's right.

Luke chimes in too.

- Yeah... I know you're pissed but come on, you've got to admit that trying to be with her has got to be the best way to ruin your friendship.

"No, that's wrong." We all turn to Jayden, who has been silence ever since I stormed in and flopped down on his couch. They have all three listened to me describe the whole situation, but he hasn't muttered a word since. 

Jayden's face was serious, his voice was neutral but I could feel a hint of concern in it. "This, is how you will ruin your friendship." He points at my phone, who's screen has now turned off.

"You can't avoid her forever, man. And you can't keep talking to her that way. I know you're not exactly happy now, but your priority is to keep whatever you two have alive. Don't throw it all away tonight."

We all go quiet. I think we're all wondering if he's speaking from experience. 

But damn it, he's right.

- Okay, fine. But you've got to know she's not just someone I want to be friends with. I have feelings for her. Actual and real feelings. And before you say anything it's not a temporary thing. I've known her long enough to be sure that this woman is fucking special to me. 

Luke nods. 

Suddenly, Oliver asks.

"Do you love her?"

- Yes. 

I answered with no hesitation. It's true. I do love her. And the guys have the right to know, in our group there's no shame in sharing and showing thoughts and feelings. Unlike those jerks on TikTok who think that serious matters are for girls and kids only. 

  - I'd be lying if I said we didn't already notice... I mean, we knew you liked her, but God, Jake! You're WHIPPED!

We all burst in chuckles. 

"I wish she just likes me as much, though". I say with a sad smile.

They share weird glances, and Jayden finally suddenly gets up sharply.

"OK. That's it." He said, heading out the living room. 

- What are you doing? I ask him.

"Saving you from making another mistake. Ol, can you call Grace and Amy? I don't care if they're asleep, ring till they wake up and answer. I'll text Mark too and prep my stuff. Meet me at the car."

 - What? Where are we going?

- Surfing. We'll stop at all your houses to take your stuff, come on.

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