The list

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Tina's POV:

I knocked impatiently on the door of Beatrice's house. I was slightly anxious to face her. I know what it's like to be cheated on. Well, it's never been a personal experience, but I've seen it happen to my friends, even my brother! 

So yeah, I really was worried about her. She settled with Tristan. It was her stable thing. He was the home she would come back to after a long day. I don't have any lover, but Jake has always been here for me. And I can't imagine how I'd feel if he'd betray me in a way that I'd have to move out.

The comparison maybe wasn't solid, but I think I understand that Beatrice is going through something bigger than being cheated on.

However, when she yelled for me to come in, she didn't really look like someone who's whole life has been shaken up.

She was sipping a smoothie on the bar stool, frantically writing things down on a notepad.

Her eyes looked up at me and smiled. Her gaze returned to her laptop screen, but it was only I approached that I could figure out what she was doing. I found an endless list written down neatly on paper, decorated with colored pens and highlighters.

- What's that? I ask, curious.

"Oh! I'm just writing things down so I can put my affairs back in order."

I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm moving out", she said calmly. The peace on her face told me she had gone past the devasting moping phase, but I know that even though the list was mostly a plan, she was also distracting herself to cope with everything and feel a sense of control again.

But I thought it was very brave of her, facing stuff like that with such confidence. This is what I admired about her. She knows what she wants, and works hard to get it, even if the process is of extreme difficulty.

- Alright, I smile. And how are you planning to do that?

Bea turns the notepad so it would face me. She then points out a few bullet points and explains them to me.

"Here. I have just about four days left before Tristan starts to expect me home. So I want to take care of a few things today before I start to get my stuff out of there. I talked to Camilla. She has a spare key of my apartment - we live in the same building - and accepted to pack a few things for me. But tomorrow I'm going to New York to try and get my things. I want him to come back and see my stuff gone."

- I'll come with you, I say.

Bea's eyes pop out.

- Tina, the drive takes like 5 hours. Plus, I'll leave around 4 in the morning to get there early. There's no way I'm letting you do that!

- Oh, c'mon! You need the extra space of my trunk. We take our cars separately and get there as soon as possible. You have to pack in one day and get out of there, B. Or else things could go extremely messy. And you need a hand with it.

She sighs.

"You're right. But Tina, I don't want to be a burden. It's gonna be tiring and-"

- Another reason for me to come with you, I cut her off. We do it half-half. So? What do you say?

She seemed hesitant. 

- Okay, fine.

I put my fist out in victory. In her eyes I could see she was relieved to have someone help make her plan a success.

"Tristan leaves at about 6.30 for work and comes back at 8 in the evening. I think it would give us enough time to pack. I have a few clothes here but I'm mainly concerned about my computer setups. They're the ones I need most."

- Okay then. Tell Camilla to pack unnoticeable things. Like um... skincare! Let her empty out your products in the bathroom, and tell her to leave the things on display. I bet you also have bookshelves? She should take a few along with a couple of clothes, just enough for him to not notice and think you took them with you here.

Beatrice seemed impressed by my ideas.

- Well, I'm glad I accepted your help after all! she laughs.

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