Roofied drink

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I was making conversation with Tina and Dave. And let me tell you, they're absolutely adorable.

Someone taps on my shoulder and I turn around, only to see Grace. 

- Hey, you wanna get a drink?

I notice I'm only one not holding a cup or bottle in my hand, and sincerely, I could use a drink.

"Yeah, let's go. I'll be right back", I add to my Tina and Dave.

Grace and I follow Amy, who's a few steps ahead of us, towards the stand serving alcohol.

- What can I make for you, ladies?

"Gin tonic, please."


Amy takes two drinks - that I assume are for her and Mark - and leaves before we do.

Once ours are done, I grab my gin and pay up. I was walking back to Tina, but I catch Jake's eyes in the middle of a group. I smile at him.

"Hey, Grace. You should see my friends. I don't think you met them earlier."

She agrees and lets me take her to Jake and the guys. They immediately make room for us and start chatting with Grace.

I position myself next to Jake. His smile fades a little when he sees the drink in my hand.

- Are you sure you want to be drinking that?

I look at the red cup.

"Uh, why?"

- I don't think that's recommended, Tris... You don't have the highest tolerance, either. Have you eaten anything?

I shake my head.

"No, just a beer. But I'm feeling okay, don't worry."

- Not dizzy or anything? he insists. They said you might feel light-headed... Just- Just be careful, please. Oh, wait.

He turns to Luke. "Do you have any protein bar, man?"

- Yeah, here you go!

Luke throws one to Jake, that catches it swiftly.

"Thanks. He always has one on him. Something about a healthy snack", Jake adds to my confused face.

"Yeah. Gotta keep those muscles, baby!" Luke winks at me.

I laugh at his craziness.

- Eat it before you drink that, Jake hands me the bar.

I do so, just in front of him. Damn it, that tastes so good.

"Oh my gosh, Luke! These are amazing!" I say covering my full mouth. "Can you text me where you get them from?"

He nods with a smile.

"Thanks", I smile then turn back to Jake. "I'm gonna go back to Tina and Dave. Speaking of him... how'd you like your sister's new boyfriend?"

The teasing was clear in my voice, so Jake shook his head with a small smile.

- He's not so bad, actually. I kinda like him. Seems to be treating her right.

I look over to them, and see Tina bursting out in laughter with him, while he's holding her and grinning. They're adorable. "And he makes her happy", I whisper. I feel a pinch of sadness in my words. I once had what they have.

I clear my throat and pull myself together. I shoot Jake another smile and start heading to the lovebirds, when something at my right catches my eye.

A guy, with a thick beard and all-black outfit was clearly putting some sort of powder into a drink on the table next to him. He was alone, but obviously waiting for someone. 


I tap Grace's arm, not pulling my eyes from the guy a few feet away from us.

"Grace. I saw that guy spilling powder into a drink. The red cup on the table."

I point discreetly to him, and just when she notices who I'm talking about, we see a young woman heading towards him, grabbing her cup and chatting with the guy.

- Fuck.

I immediately walk over to them, and without even thinking about it, I make her spill the drink with a bump on her shoulder.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

I make it look like an accident, with the high pitched voice and everything, but all I could think about was that her dress was wet with alcohol from her roofied drink. Grace joins me and takes care of the girl.

"Here, let's go clean it up", she says as she grabs her by the shoulder and carries her away.

I was left alone with the guy. I clear my throat and turn to him. He lips turn into a smirk that only inspire me disgust and anger.

"Hey there sweetheart."

- What's your name? I ask.

- Dan. Can I have your number in exchange of that information?

"I saw your putting drugs in her drink", I tell him straight up. "You think you're as slick as your pick up lines, but you're wrong , sweetheart."

His expression changes a little, but quickly comes back to malicious.

- No, I didn't. And as far as it concerns you, I didn't do such thing, are we clear?

I scoff.

"Where are you from, Dan? I assume from out of state?"

- You bet! Do I look like someone who'd live in this shithole?! I came here to visit my relatives!


"So you're clearly new to this place. Because let me tell you, that's not how we do it here. Listen, you're gonna leave the campfire, now. And don't let your drugs anywhere a woman's drink."

My small speech leaves him unfaded. He looks me up and down, and his eyes turn dark a little. I'm suddenly very aware of the amount of cleavage and skin I'm showing, but I make sure not to show it.

- Things can still happen differently, baby.

"So gross. Now leave."

He grins. "No way in hell! Besides, you don't have any proof. So I can still do whatever I want."

I chuckle, even if my sense of danger shakes up even more .

"See my friend that took your girl away? That's Grace. She and Amy are my friends, and they happen to know everything going on in this town. Imagine how fast rumors can arise if I give them information to spread!" I then point to Tina and Dave. "See the couple over there? Tina and Dave. Both terrific lawyers. Tina's fierce and loyal, and would hate to know what could've happened to that woman. And I guess you don't want to mess with someone in the law, right? "

I see Dan pale a little more at every name that I throw. But his face goes completely blank when I turn over to the guys.

- And these... these are my friends too. See the one in a blue shirt? Let's just say he might kill the person who would ever do that kind of thing to me.

When I glance at Jake, I see him already looking at us, his eyebrows furrowed. He did look intimidating, with that serious face. But nevertheless, when we lock eyes, every once of self-consciousness and panic leaves me. I'm safe. Wherever he is, I'm safe.

"And the others around him? Let's just say you don't wanna get on their bad side"

A few minutes later, I was following Dan to make sure he went to his car and not to another girl's drink. Once he go in, he rolled down the window.

"Give me the drugs, sweetheart."

He rolls his eyes, but says no word. He can't really negotiate or refuse now. So he just hands me the small bottle from a pocket of his leather jacket.

- Stay at home with the relatives, but when you leave, don't come back.

"No promises", he says driving off as he gives me the middle finger.

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