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Tina's POV:

Beatrice and I texted yesterday night. She wanted me to go to wake up an hour later than planned so that she'd have time to pass by her office.

I understood she had to sort things out with her boss.

But before going to bed, I knocked on Jake's door to have a little chat with him.

I entered the room and sat on his bed, while he was continuously typing on his keyboard.

- Beatrice is worrying me, I finally say.

Jake suddenly stops writing and his whole attention turns to our conversation. His eyebrows frown.

"Why? Did she say anything out of place or-"

- No, not really. It's just... I don't know how to help her. I understand what she's going through is tough, but-

"But Tris is strong enough to handle it", he cuts me off. "She always has been, and you know that."

- Yes, I know. But that's not an ordinary situation, Jake. She's not only breaking up with a cheater, she's also moving out behind his back. I mean, how stressful must that be!

"The son of a bitch", Jake mutters.

A small smile finds its way to my lips. I've never seen Jake protective and jealous like that over any girl. He's always been that way towards family and his closest friends, but with her it's different. It will always be different. 

"I'm worried about her, Jake", I repeat. "You see that list thing she pulled today? It's a typical teenage-Bea stuff."

Jake's eyebrows meet in a frown.

- What do you mean?

I sigh. 

"She barely gave herself time to process the breakup. And I'm not only talking about her relationship. By next week maximum her whole life would've taken a 180 degree turn, and she went all business-mode! That's what she used to do when we were kids. When her parents wouldn't show up to the parties she threw, or didn't attend her birthdays. She'd be sad, then the next morning all decorations were gone, cake in the freezer, gifts returned. It gives her peace, feeling in control of something when everything's chaos."

- I see what you're talking about... But today I think she took her time to think and feel about the situation. Of course she's not as happy as before, anyone can see it, but I think she's handling it pretty well.

I shake my head.

- I hope you're right. But I still believe she needs all the help and support we can give her, for her to heal and move on properly

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