Bracelet stand

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A few hours later, we had explored many shops, from the candy stand to the wood carving one. But we weren't even close to it's end. 

It's past noon now, and since all three of us had gotten hungry, we grabbed hot dogs and enjoyed them sitting on the grass. Their was pop music in the background, and the chatter of people mixed well with it to create a very nice ambiance.

- Hey, maybe we should hit up Amy and Grace.

"Yeah, I'll call them." I answer Tina.

I pull out my phone and call Amy. 

"No answer. Try Grace", I tell Tina.

While she's on the phone, I continue enjoying my hot dog. When I take a look a look at Jake - who's been weirdly quiet - I find him on his phone, texting someone.

His dark hair was slightly shadowing his forehead, his eyebrows were frowned at the screen, and the sun was giving his tanned skin a gold-like glow. Despite their resemblance, he didn't have Tina's eyes. While hers were blue grayish, his were a deep green that complemented their almond shape.

"She's also not answering", Tina says, interrupting my thoughts.

I look back at her, and just when I was about to say something, Jake gets up quickly.

"I'll see you later, girls. I'm meeting with my friends"

Before we could even answer, he leaves.

- What's up with him? I ask.

Tina frowns at his back. "No idea."


Tina and I were enjoying our slurpees when we saw a bracelet stand. Once we got close to it, the faces behind the table became familiar.

"Oh my gosh! Hi!"

Amy comes from behind the stand to hug us, while Grace is busy with customers. 

- Why haven't you told us you were hosting a stand! We would've came right away to yours!

Amy chuckles. 

"Well, it was kind of a last minute thing. We had a 3-day braiding marathon to make all of these!"

She motions to the table full of bracelets. You could find all kinds. Brazilian bracelets, charms, beaded...

- Oh my gosh, Tina. We should totally get a matching one!

Tina gasps and nods in agreement. 

This moment will forever be awesome to me. Even if we were both in our 20's, together it felt like we were still a bunch of kids. This was the kind of love I wanted in my life, and the one I realized was there the whole time, in my neighbor's house.

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