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Jake's POV:

I was deeply focused into work when the doorbell rang. Without even looking up from my laptop screen, I yelled for whoever was standing on the other side of the door that it's open.

- Hey Jakey!

And here it was. At the sound of her voice my eyes immediately went up to her.

"Hi, Tris", I smile back. I set the laptop aside, but the motion catches her eye.

"Oh, this seems like a bad time", she frowns. "I can come back later, if you want."

- No no, that's fine. What' you got here?

I point to the bottle she had in hand.

"The only tequila I found at home."

- Tsk tsk. Day drinking won't do you any good, Prior.

"Yeah well good thing it's not the day anymore", she chuckles.

I look outside the window. The sky looked like it was announcing the start of a long night.

- Oh, right.

It was Beatrice's turn to shake her head with a smile.

"Looks like you've been working for a while. What is it that got your mind so occupied?" She plops down on the couch, putting her stuff on the table next to us. "Can I see?"

- Yeah, of course.

"Holy shit, that's one of a map!"

Her shocked expression makes me laugh.

"What is it?" she asks with big eyes.

- The plans for an installation they want to make. I'm one of the few engineers that are within this project. And since I can't be present, I have to make the plans really detailed to avoid confusion. It's been killing me.

I rub my face, especially my eyes, and sigh. I just notice how tired I am.

"Hey, what do you say about taking a break?" Tris suddenly says. "Have you had dinner?"

I shake my head for an answer. She clasps her hand together.

- Me neither. I'll go make something, and you're in charge of putting on some music! 

She jumps up from the couch, heading quickly over to the kitchen.

"Nothing too fancy, Prior!" I say sarcastically as she steps away.

"Grilled cheese!" she yells back, already far.

She makes the best ones.


- Truth or Dare?

"Truth", I answer. God knows what she'll dare me in that state. Drunk Beatrice is another breed.

- Who is... your current crush?

Immediate tequila shot.

"Nope, not gonna answer that one", I say to Prior's dismay.

We were playing truth or dare, with a twist. Whoever wasn't gonna answer/do the dare had to take a shot of tequila. 

I think it's safe to say that Tris and I aren't the most sober after an hour of playing.

"My turn!" Tris yelps. "Truth!"

I smirk. 

- When was your first time?

She bursts out laughing on the floor.

- Ha! That's a trick question! You know I haven't done it yet! 

"Exactly", I say maliciously. "Tequila shot!!!"

Tris suddenly gets her head up in indignation. "What?! No! I answered!" She then looks up to the ceiling, lost in thought. "You know what? Let's say I haven't answered. That tequila's goooood."

In a swift motion, she grabs one of the filled small glasses that we had aligned between us and empties its content in a second.


"Truth or dare?" she asks after swallowing the alcohol.

- Truth, I smile.

She smirks at me, which looked funnily ridiculous. I told you, drunk or even tipsy Tris is something else.

"Tell me about your first time", she finally lets out.

I consider my options: tell her the embarrassing story, or take yet another tequila shot?

My head was already starting to spin... oh, to hell with it.

"It was the summer between high school and college", I start. Tris' expression fades away, and she gives me quite a surprised stare, like she didn't expect me to answer. But to be honest, neither did I. "Her name was Lana. We had been dating before, but not very seriously - you know how high school so called relationships are. One day, we went to the movies and she invited me back to her house. Her parents weren't home. She took me to her bedroom, and... well, it happened. The whole thing lasted a total of 10 seconds maybe. It was short, but it did count. And let me tell you, the hour after it was so awkward and uncomfortable that we didn't see each other after that day", I chuckle.

Tris looked shocked, her eyes were gonna pop out of their sockets.

"Wow", she whistles. "I knew you were cool at that time, but damn!"

"Having sex at seventeen is cool?" I question.

She tsks. "No, silly. The fact that you pulled enough girls and were able to take it to another level, that's cool. I'm in my twenties and still a virgin, may I remind you."

- Oh? So you don't think that my story's embarrassing? Even the 10 seconds thing?

"HAHA no that was embarrassing. Oh my god! What would you do if you ever saw her again?! Like that Sassy Cassie bitch, remember?"

"Yes, I remember", I laugh. "But she moved abroad shortly after we broke up. So unless I'm going to Argentina, I think I'm safe."

 She rolls her eyes with a smile. "Of course you are".

Tris then lets out a deep, exasperated sigh. "I'm bored. Can we do something else?"

"Yeah, sure", I nod. "Wanna watch a movie? I have some old DvDs in my room."

"Yay!!" she exclaims, raising both her arms in a motion for me to pick her up. 

I do so, dragging her as gently as possible upstairs, as she lets out a series of giggles.

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