Best chef in town

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One of the best habits I had was waking up early.
I would get so much done, and it wouldn't even be noon.

So that morning, I got ready as soon as i got out of bed. I showered and washed my hair. The hot water relaxed my muscles and burned my skin. I applied moisturizer and brushed my hair. Then I made my bed and continued unpacking my closet.

My stuff was mainly unpacked, but the bedroom needed a bit of a personal touch if I was staying here for two weeks.  And honestly, I was starting to consider coming here more often, on vacations and holidays.

I really forgot how awesome it was to live here. I had barely gone to a few shops, but walking the familiar streets and seeing my best friends again filled me with nostalgia and happiness.

It was almost 11 o'clock when I finally got a text from Tina saying she's coming over for breakfast with Jake. I immediately respond and tell her to not bring anything since I will be making food.

I later hear knocks at the door while I'm whipping the waffle preparation.

- It's open!! I yell out.

When Jake and Tina walk in, a smile immediately spreads on my face.

- You're matching outfits today guys! I point out.

Jake and Tina look each other up and down in horror. Then they start bickering.

After a few minutes of deciding who's gonna go change, Jake finally gives up.

- Fine, he sighs dramatically while walking back out the door.

Tina raises her fist in victory and starts laughing.

- I still don't understand why you still do this, I say in a chuckle.

- I guess habits stick around, she shrugs.

- Stupid habits, I corrected. He looked great in that blouse, it's a shame you made him change.


Tina's freak out scared me so much that I forgot to react to what she even said.

- Beatrice.

She holds my confused self by the shoulders and solemnly says "I've waited for this moment my entire life."

- What?! I finally let out. Tina- no! I just thought it looked good on him. That's all!

"But come on, B! You're such a match and everyone knows it except both of you!"

I glare at her, still whipping.

"Fine, fine", she finally concedes. "I'll stop. For now."

She winks with a smirk, and I roll my eyes as a response.

It was at that moment that Jake enters the house in a white blouse and beige shorts.

And I gotta admit, he did look handsome.

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