Kicking me out

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We were back in the living room.

The afternoon air was breezy, flowing into the house through the open windows. 

But the softness of the wind didn't match the one in my mind. In fact, mine was frantic, desperately counting seconds and minutes. 

However, I don't let that show and throw the two envelopes on the table. They land with a loud thud. 

My mom looks up, and I support her gaze.

- Ten grands.

My gaze shifts to my dad.

- Way more than you asked for.

I take the thinner envelope and personally hand it to them. "The money for the dealer is in the other one. The extra cash is in this one, and I have transferred enough money to your name for the next few years you're gonna spend in the rehab facility."

 When my words sink in, it shows on their faces. 

Even Jake, who didn't know about this, reacts. He does a great job at hiding it though, so I don't fully understand what is his true reaction. 

"Beatrice... W-What did you do?" my mom finally musters. 

My breath is shaky, but I answer with a bit of difficulty.

- You... You both need help. I've contacted a rehab facility, and they're coming to take you soon. You have equal amounts in your name there, and I will fund the whole thing, no matter how long it takes. It's far though, and I'm not sure if I'm going to visit, but- but you're my parents and I can't let you live like that forever. I just wanted to show you that I have the money, and your debt will be taken care of.

Just when I'm done with my small monologue, we hear cars pull up. 

My mom's eyes are huge, anger traces her face.

"What the fuck Beatrice!"

The tears I have been fighting roll down my face when she screams, but I let out a small yelp when she launches at me.

"You're kicking us out?! I'M YOUR MOTHER HOW CAN YOU DO THAT"

Her movements are so sudden, so quick, that I don't see it coming, and a few scratches and screams later, they finally are able to get a grip of her. 

Surprisingly enough, I see that my dad is the one who pulled her of me. 

Jake puts himself between us, and Tina rushes to my side to hold me.

"Are you okay?" she asks, worried.

But I don't answer, I'm too captivated by my dad's eyes. He whispers a "thank you" as Jake, Tina and I guide them out. 

I watch as people get a hold of them, put them in separate cars. I talk to someone, fill out the paperwork handed to me.

Then they leave.

And I collapse. 

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