New York

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Tina's POV:

I wait for Bea just outside a huge glass tower. It's apparently the main offices of several companies, including the one she works for.

Speaking of, Bea comes out of the door, a big smile spread on her lips.

Oh that went well!

- Tina! How long have you been here!? Did I keep you waiting?

- Not at all, I smile. But now tell me, what happened up there??

Her eyes shine.

- It's official! I'm not only remotely working from home, but I'm also handling a big project for Linda! I'm the head of a team, so that will differ a bit from the work I've done before, but it's really huge for me! Plus, I get to keep my job even if I don't stay in New York!

Beatrice starts jumping in excitement.
I hug her so tight.

- I'm so proud of you, B! That's fucking amazing!

She just lets out a small happy shriek in response and hugs me back.


- Damn it, B! Why do you have so many shoes?!

"I love heels", she shrugs. "And sneakers."

I snort. "I feel like it's obvious. We're staring at like a hundred pairs for God's sake!"

Beatrice chuckles as she starts packing things around the bedroom. I've been here before, a few years ago.

I take a box myself and start packing the shoes.

We spend a few hours chit chatting and gossiping, like we always do.

I put music on my phone, and with my playlist in the background and our laughter filling the room, I've gotta say, it was really fun giving the circumstances.

By the time it was noon, we had packed a good amount of stuff. Books, shoes, clothes... Bea even put in a box a bunch of decorations she brought here that meant a lot to her, like a few figurines her parents gifted her, a frame with a picture of the 3 of us - Jake, B, and I - and a really pretty handmade box she got when she went to Europe.

I'd say we made amazing progress, and I wish I could've done more in that moment but I really needed a break.

I was hungry and desperately needed caffeine or sugar. Both actually.

Beatrice wasn't hungry any less. She actually looked rather pale, but I doubt it's only because of fatigue.

- Hey, let's go to the store and grab a few snacks. We could walk and get some fresh air!

I smile at the mention of food.

- Sounds great!

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