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The girls and I, after getting some much needed sleep, spent the rest of the afternoon laying it slow. 

We laid on the sand for a few hours to tan, but then gave up to the fabulous-looking waves. All of us were swimming... and that's just it, really.

The water, my friends, the sunset... what more could I ask for?

I just wish Tina was there.

This is what I text her, as we're all hanging out in one of the guys' bungalows. 

Don't ask me how we all fit in there. We're packed like a can of sardines.

- Who's in for a midnight swim?

Me and Amy simultaneously groan.

- no. way. in. hell.

Amy's voice is surprisingly firm, but I nod along.

"What she said" I approve. 

Grace starts whining. "Oh come on! We came here to have fun!"

- And we are, Amy replies. But I'm done swimming for today, too tired. 

"You're such a grandma, Amy." Oliver retorts with an eyeroll.

"Oh you're right!" she snaps back. "I'm sorry I don't have gallons of testosterone shooting through me all day like a horny pig and actually get tired! My bad!"

Laughs erupts from the room, and even Amy is smiling, quite proud of her comeback. I, on the other side, nearly choke on the wine I was sipping. It was a cheap bottle we got from the gift shop, and sincerely, I'm kinda glad I didn't get to properly swallow it. Its taste just... isn't it, let's say.

"You coming?" Amy asks me, as she gets up.

I also get off the couch and say goodbye.

I try to look at Jake, but he seems distracted by something else. Welp.

Amy and I leave them and return to our own rooms. 

"Is it okay if I shower first? There's so much sand in my ass right now that I could cry."

I chuckle at her comment. "Yeah, of course. Don't worry about it."

She smiles gratefully and makes her way to the bathroom.

On my side, I go upstairs and sit on the mattress, debating if I should work or read.

So I compromise.

 I fire up my laptop and check on all the calendars and other updates provided by my team. I add a few reminders to my planner, just details I'll text them tomorrow, but other than that, the project seems to be working as smoothing as it possibly can.

I smile to myself. We're doing a great job, and I suddenly feel a lot of appreciation for Linda, who trusted me enough for running this.

I don't spend more time on the screen, and after this brief moment of focus, I finally get to continue reading the book I was so rudely interrupted from.

I was sipping my drink and reading along the lines, when I heard a soft knock on the door.

I frown. It's been about twenty minutes since we left our friends, so I suppose they've already gone back to the sea.

As Amy was still in the shower, I go back downstairs, and squint to see who was outside the glass doors in the darkness.

My face changes with surprise.

- Jake?

I open the glass door with one hand, as the other is holding the wine.

"Hey", he smiles softly. "I was scared I'd wake you up, but it doesn't seem like it." 

- Oh, I'm just waiting for Amy to be done with the bathroom.

He nods, and silence settles between us.

- What are you doing here? Aren't you guys going to swim or...?

"No, right. They are there already. I just... wanted to say goodnight."

I smile, hoping I'm not blushing too.

His voice is low, soft and calm.


We stand there, and I get lost in his eyes. The moonlight reflects in his pupils and I get this irresistible feeling to drown in his gaze.

At some moment, he seems to start saying something by opening his mouth, but refrains from it and sighs.

His eyes fall on the cup on my side, and I watch as he takes it from me and brings it up to his lips. The red liquid meets his mouth, but he almost immediately hands it back to me, wincing.

- Yeah it's disgusting.

His tone is grossed out and I laugh at the face he's making.

But now he's wearing a smile, and his moonlit stare falls back on my face.

"You should go to sleep, your eyes seem tired."

I nod. "You bet they are", I say with a chuckle.

He smiles, and gets a little closer to me. He tilts his face and presses a light kiss on my cheek. His breath is warm, smells like wine.

"Goodnight", he whispers, before turning away.

The warmth radiating of this body disappears, and I am left with the tingling feeling on my cheek, right where he kissed it.

Okay now I'm definitely blushing.

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