I think you know

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Damn it, that was a great nap.

I woke up about half an hour ago, but was still laying on Jake's lap. It feels right, despite the fact that a somewhat serious talk awaits us. But I'm not anxious about it.

I mean, if someone told me "we'll talk later" I'd be an anxious reck of nerves. But I never am when it comes to Jake. Nor Tina. For someone who can be really anxious, it's such a relief to have people I'm that secure about.

- Are you cold?

Jake's words are directed to me. I shake my head no, smiling to myself. I had woken up with my legs covered in his hoodie, since the guys have rolled their windows down.

It's now a little past 4AM, but I am very well-rested, thanks to Jake and this god-like nap.

"How are you still awake? Ugh I am so jealous Jake. You never get tired."

He grins. "I was a bit tired, before I drank this." He motions to a cup in his hands, and I twist my neck to look at it. When I recognize what it is, I gasp, offended.

"Hey! I wanted one to-"

I shut up when he gives me a cold transparent cup.

I smile so widely I'm sure my cheeks will hurt after.

I straighten my self, sitting properly on the seat.

I take the iced coffee up to my lips

- I hope it's still cold, we put it in the cooler but I don't know if it worked.

"It's still cold, thank you", I smile.

Finally, coffee.

"How much do we have left to be there?" I ask.

Oliver, who had the GPS on his phone, looked down at it. "About forty minutes." 

I nod, but I still have so many questions.

"Who rented the Airbnb?"

It's now Luke who answers.

- Amy, I think. She said she'd search on the road.

That's great news. If Amy has it under control we won't be staying at some shitty place. That girl takes every detail into consideration. Even the ones you'd think are useless.

The rest of the ride is pleasant. We crack jokes, share whatever is going on in our personal lives...

We arrive at our destination during sunrise. God, it was beautiful.

I get out of the car, stretching my legs. The place was really pretty and simple.

Just a bunch of bungalows lined up, a surf shop (now closed), restaurant/bar (also closed),and the beach. 

The weather started to be warmer, the soft wind blew through my hair, the sky reflected the most vibrant colors.

 I genuinely smile at the view. 

A car engine sounds behind us.

I turn around, our friends parking next to us.

They jump out the car, and I run excitedly to greet them.

I hug Amy tightly, thanking her for such choice of place.

- I bet it wasn't easy.

"You don't know half of it! I spent hours looking for a place that will check us in right away!" she laughs.

"You did great, Ames. It's perfect." Grace says in awe.

Oliver rushes to us, taking Grace's hand and dragging her to the water. "Come on! The water's amazing!"

I hear their laughs, admiring them as they're running towards the waves.

I find Jake in there too. He finds my eyes and waves at me. I laugh, waving back at him.

- Come on, let's take a look at the bungalows! Amy says.

I grab my tote bag and follow her. Bending down, Amy takes a look under the doormat, finding a key there. 

"The owner said there's a key under each doormat. Can you check this one?"

- Yeah, sure.

There was indeed a key for each bungalow we rented.

The girls and I decided to share one bungalow, while the guys split between 2 others.

I went back to Luke's car and started carrying my bags, and helped Amy with hers and Grace's.

We put everything in front of the door for later to unpack. 

- Wow.

The interior was amazing, all woody and cozy. It wasn't small, just right. The upper story consisted of a huge mattress, there was a smaller one on the first story. We had a bathroom, shelves, a small fridge and a couch. There was also a TV, but I doubt we'll be using it much during the day.

I leave the bungalow not much later. Jake was outside the water, and when he heard my steps on the sand, he turned around and shot me a smile.

- How was the water? I ask.

"So good. Yet so cold." he chuckles.

I take the towel I brought from my bag and wrap it around his shoulders. He's so tall that I need to get on my toes to bring it around his neck, but even then, the pink towel looks small on his broad shoulder and big torso.

"Thanks", he says. 

With a side nod, he motions for us to go a little farther.

We walk slowly in silence, till he decides to break it.

- I didn't mean to eavesdrop, you know. It just happened, I promise. When I realized what you were talking about... I immediately backed away, really.

"I know that", I say softly. "But that's not what I was mad about. It's just- I didn't appreciate you avoiding me and giving me this weird attitude. I didn't even know what I did wrong to deserve that."

- You didn't, I assure you.

"But you could've explained that to me. And I was so frustrated about the fact that you didn't that today, at the gas station... I don't know. It kinda triggered me."

He chuckles. "I know. You were so mad, it was adorable."

I smack him lightly on the arm, as we laugh lightly together.

"I'm sorry, Jake. Shouldn't have lashed out at you like that."

"I'm sorry too, Tris. For my behavior. I was just a bit mad you wouldn't tell me such special thing, but you're right. It is none of my business till you decide to share it to me yourself."

I smile softly at him. How can I be mad at him when he admits so easily his wrongs!? Ugh, he's so perfect. 

- Sorry about the station today too. I just thought that... if you already had someone in your life and-

- Blondie asked me out, back there.

My interruption throws him aback.


- You seem surprised. 

"No, I just thought he was flirting."

- I said no.

I stop in my tracks, turning to him. We're now facing each other, but I'm slightly looking up at him.

- Why? Was it because of that mysterious guy?

I look down at the sand, smiling to myself. He's so clueless.

I look back up to his eyes, answering him softly.

"I think you know who that guy is."

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