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Tina left for the last day of her internship. She said she'll come back earlier, so I advised her to get some sleep as soon as she can.

Tomorrow was gonna be a long day, therefore I need to get some sleep too. Which leaves me with a slightly shorter day packed with things to do.

By the time it was lunch, I made most of my phone calls.

Camilla took everything I told her to and stored them in boxes in her own apartment. I thanked her many times and continued calling the other people on my list.
My landlord, who I paid half the rent of my apartment via PayPal.
The bank, that told me to go personally to one of their branches after explaining my situation to the landlord.
And also, Camilla. But I already explained that.

There wasn't much I could do anymore before I take off, apart lunch of course. Except...


Jake's POV:

The doorbell rang while I was working on my laptop. I went downstairs, carrying it in my hand.

I opened the door with surprise. Tris was standing there, holding a Tupperware in both hands. Her face lit up as I greeted her.

"Care for mac and cheese?"

We sat down and ate the food she made. Even if it was one of the most american and simple dishes ever, the way she made it was simply... better.

"God, Tris. It's delicious!", I say with my mouth full.

She chuckles at me.

"It was my go-to when I had lots of work in college. Guess habits do stick around!"

We both laugh a little, but B clears her throat.

I look at her, and by the tension in her shoulders, I could sense there was something she wanted to tell me.

- Hey, Jake. I just... wanted to thank you. For yesterday. And I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow Tina and I are going to New York. She's gonna help me move out. All the paperwork is done but I have to go to the bank to take care of something. Wanna come?

Tris' attitude didn't take me by surprise. I knew her well. So her taking a grasp on the situation wasn't all shocking, it's more her eagerness to move things up so quickly that took me aback. She seemed like she wanted to be done with that dude as soon as she could.

But I mean, can I blame her?

- Yeah, sure. When do you want to go?

- My appointment's at 4, and we need like an hour to get there so I think I should leave in half an hour. But are you sure you want to come with me? Don't you have work to do?

"Don't worry. Nothing that can't wait."

How could I say no to alone time with Tris?

So I went upstairs, took a quick shower and got ready.

Not so long after, I met her outside.

She saw me fiddling with my keys and heading towards my car.

She raised her own keychain and shook her head.

"Nuh-uh. We're taking mine."

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