In the office

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I arrived, starbucks coffee in one hand, and my bag in the other.

When I went in there and the cold air conditioning hit me, I suddenly felt nostalgic. I'm gonna miss being here more often, that's for sure.

- Beatrice, hello!

I turn around at the sound of Linda's warm voice. A smile breaks on my face and I immediately go in for a quick hug.

We chat a little, and boy can I tell you I was really happy to see her.

Our small conversation was soon over though, as we both had a lot of work waiting for us. She guides me to a small conference room, where reunions mostly happened.

It was simple, with plain walls painted in a really light green - so light you could almost mistake it with white -  and a round table in the middle that took most of the room. In a corner were set up a small locker and mini fridge.

I immediately set the place up as the team was gonna be here soon. I put my stuff in the locker, taking out my files and stuff I need. I also connect my laptop to the projector of the room. Once I make sure it's all working, I decide to prepare the table too.

I had apparently 5 persons under my wing, and I wanted to make them feel welcomed and safe, just like I did when I first met my boss Linda. I hope it shows them how the rest of our journey together will be. So, I place a bottle of water in front of each seat, as well as small bags of gummy bears I found in the fridge. That will do. I think.

I look around. The room was quiet. I impatiently waited for them, but the meeting wasn't scheduled for another ten minutes, so I sit down and get my laptop ready, reviewing my files and the tasks I had listed.

And then they showed up.

I got up and greeted all of the new comers. Three women and two guys. And judging by the look on their faces, this was apparently one of the first projects they were assigned to.

- Oh, please! Take a seat!

They all introduced themselves, and I did so too.

"Well, I get that we're gonna be working together for quite some time, and before I start with the presentation, I thought it would be nice if we cleared things up a little. So... We're six people in this room, right? Okay. These six persons, even if they're gonna work some tasks alone, are gonna work together as a team. This project requires coordination and cooperation from everyone - you'll see why later - and can't be done properly without it, okay? And I think these are one of your first projects here, right? Well, it's the first one I lead too. And I want it to be done good, but most importantly I want us all to feel comfortable with the project too. The work dynamic is so important, and I'm not here to boss you around or be strict or whatever. I personally think it's an amazing opportunity for all of us to learn but also have fun. Anyone who might prefer another dynamic and flow can request a transfer, I have absolutely no problem with it. You guys can tell me anything you want me to know, I can be very understanding! So yeah... I don't know about you guys, but I don't wanna be stuck in an environment that makes it painful to work in!"

They all chuckle at my playful tone. I continue talking as they nod along, and during my speech I was thinking of how this might actually have a successful outcome! They all apparently agreed with the mindset I was putting on the table, and the presentation I gave went by smoothly.

I went over the project's aspects and desired outcomes, and presented the way I want to tackle it. I gave each of them a copy of the file I made, that contained most of the information they needed as well as the methods and tasks.

We talked about each of their strengths and preferences in order to properly distribute the first tasks they have to do. Once I felt the work was discussed enough, I announced a break.

"Just be back in an hour please", I tell them as they get out.

I've been standing for hours, my legs were exhausted. So I sit on my chair, and grab my notebook, writing down quick notes summarizing the meeting so far.

First time meeting the team

Introduction to the project

Debrief over the project, its aspects, and tasks

Distribution of the work (in progress)

A knock on the door interrupts my writing.

- Come in!

Linda pops her head in the room. I smile and motion for her to take seat. She hands me a cup of coffee and sits next to me. 

- Sooooo what's all about that "terrific new boss" and "amazing project"?!

I feel my cheeks heat up.

"They said that?!" I ask.

When she nods frantically, I feel an immense sense of relief and warmth in my chest.

- Yes! They were chatting all over the place about their excitement for this! I knew making you the head of the project was a good move, but what did you do to earn such a reaction! I've never seen rookies that happy in the industry, Beatrice!

 I chuckle, but smile sincerely when I answer.

"I kinda focused on teamwork aspect over the strict stuff. But I think I gave them the idea of the balance between professional and chill. And to be honest... I was kinda inspired by you."

Linda raised an eyebrow at my last sentence, so I try to clear it up. 

"I wanted to make them feel how you did when I started working for you. I want them to feel safe and comfortable here. I'm not talking about becoming best friends with them, but more like a nice relationship with each other."

By the end of my words, Linda's eyes were glimmering with tears.

She clears her throat and puts her hand over mine. "One day you're gonna be the boss of your own company, Beatrice. And when someone else will tell you those same words, you're gonna know that you've made it."

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