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- Guys, I really need to go now! Catch up with you later!

Tina blows me a kiss then runs off to her internship.

I wait for her to be out of sight to turn to Jake.

"What was that for? With Cassie?"

His eyes don't meet mine. 

- Oh. I just did that to make her stop. She's like glue, you can't get rid of her!

I simply nod. "So she cheated on you, huh?"

- Yea. She did. Tina found her making out with Liam and texted me, but by the time I got there, they were taking things... to another level, let's say. But every time she sees me, she has to do her whole flirting thing. But I think our act will keep her away.

I really hoped that. 


- Where do you want to go now? Wanna pass by your friends again?

- OH. MY. GOSH. 

Jake's question wasn't answered, because an adorable, beautiful and small thing caught my attention.

It was a stray kitten in a cage, looking directly at me with brilliant yellow eyes.

I approached the stand. It was the local pet store's.

When the little cat meowed, my heart melted. I sat on the ground and tried to put my fingers through the cage, only for the kitten to get on his back and fiddle with my hand playfully.

- Hello there! a lady said. I see you really like him.

She chuckled. The woman looked like she was in her mid-forties, and had dirty blond hair in a bun. 

- These pets are actually for adoption, and your kitten here is one of the cutest ones I've ever had in this business.

- I'll adopt him!

The woman looked a bit taken aback and laughed.

- I'm serious! I chuckled. I'm taking this little buddy home. Could you just give me a couple bags of food and litter? I'll take them immediately. 

The woman looked happy and went to prepare everything I needed for my new little cat, explaining every item's purpose.

I got him a brush, a litter box, all sorts of food, I even got to pick him a collar! It was navy blue with a few big rhinestones on it. The lady suggested I grave my name and phone number to it, so I followed her advice. As she was finishing up, I bowed down to the cat and played with its nose.

"You're coming home with me little buddy!" 

I stood straighter, and turned back to Jake, smiling broadly.


Jake's POV:

Tris looked back at me with stars in her eyes. How could I not smile to such a view? She was sitting on her heels, talking in a high pitched voice to a small kitten she'd apparently fallen in love with. 

She proceeded to finish up with the lady and I helped her carry everything to her house. During the whole walk, she was thinking of names for him. 

I was listening to her, laughing at the ridicule names she'd suggest.

The last time I saw her, things weren't so different. She'd say stupid stuff, and I'd mock her.
But now, Tris has grown to be a woman. One that irradiates powerful energy off her, one that could charm every guy to her feet if she wanted to. She once was shy and could be easily stepped on, but now her confidence grew. She stayed her shy and humble self, and still has the same beautiful soul, which could easily proven by the events that happened barely a few minutes ago.

She really just adopted a cat, and this impulsive action did nothing but warm my heart for her a little more.

She was just so fucking adorable.

I thought my feelings for her were long lost, but seeing her again after all this time only revived the spark I had towards her.

- Um Jake, could you please find my keys and open the door? My hands are full.

"Yea sure."

I reached for her purse and opened the small pocket on the side. Once I grabbed the keys I opened the door, holding it for her.

- Thanks.

- No problem, Prior.

She suddenly stopped, and slowly turned to me.

- Jake. Oh my god. Yes! Prior!

I stood there confused while she was rambling.

- Prior! Tris! Prior! Jake! I'm Tris!

- I know you're Tris... it's literally what I call you daily...?

- No! You don't understand! she says excitedly. I found him a name!

She takes the kitten in her hands and holds him like a trophy.

- Jake, meet Four. My new cuddle buddy.

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