Moving out

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It was almost five o'clock. We had a bit more than an hour left to leave like we planned to.
And we were right on track!

A big amount of boxes were piled up next to the door: everything was packed. We just needed to put them in our cars.

Tina and I stand side by side, hands on the hips, and breathless.

We turn to each other, and in a dramatic moment, we both say:

- Let's do this.


"My gosh, Beatrice! How many shoes do you even have!?", Tina whines.

- Sorry, I smile apologetically.

She sighs in exaggeration, and wipes her hand on her forehead.

We then proceed to take the last boxes to the elevator.

As we were loading them in Tina's trunk, I heard a gasp behind my shoulder.

I turn around, only to find Camilla, a broad smile across her face.

- Beatrice! she exclaims, taking me in a hug. How're you doin' honey !?

- Been better, I smile a little. But I'll be alright in no time.

Camilla's face changes from excitement to compassion. She puts her hand on my shoulder and squeezes it a little. "I'm sure you'll be."

- Oh! Tina! Meet Camilla. She's my closest friend in New York.

"Literally", Cam adds, extending her arm. "I'm just down a few floors."

Tina chuckles and shakes her hand.

"That reminds me, I have a few boxes at your apartment. Can I take them now? We're kinda running out of time here."

- Yeah sure! Come on up!

"Oh, I'm not sure I'll be able to", Tina says.

- What? Why?

"My trunk's already full, I'll be no use to you. Plus, I'm sure you've got a lot of catching up to do!"

- Well, the choice's yours. But the invitation still stands!

Tina smiles but gives me a quick hug.

- Thank you so much, Tina. Couldn't have done it without you.

"It's no problem", she smiles. "Drive safe!"



Three enormous boxes sat in front of me.

- Camilla... There's no way I can fit this in my car. I barely have place anymore! And there's still my desk setup left!

"Okay! Don't panic! We'll figure something out."

Too late. Tina's car is full and even if it wasn't I can't bother her to turn around again.

- I can't leave my computers here. Who knows what he'll do when he finds out I left without a word! If he sees my desk is still there... No. I'm not keeping them in the apartment.

I start thinking. I need a solution. And fast. The clock's ticking, and if I want to arrive before midnight-

I snap my fingers.

"Okay. I've figured it out."

Camilla looks up at me.

- I'm taking the computers with me, and I'll try to fit a box in if I can. But in a few days I'll have to come back. Since I have a meeting with my team on Thursday, I'll be able to stop by and take the rest of my stuff. Is that okay?

Camilla smiles.

- Of course. And if you need anything else, I'm only a call away.

"Thanks Cam. But I think I'll be okay there. I have the best company."  


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