Business look

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Jake's POV:

She looked stunning.

When I came in and found her in that outfit, I think my jaw dropped to the floor. Well, not technically. But I did freeze in place, irritating my sister that was just behind me.

"Move! You're blocking the way!"

She pushes me to the side, and goes to Tris.

She was pouring herself coffee on the open bar, standing tall.

When she hears us, her head snaps towards us and she breaks out in that beautiful smile of hers.

- Hey, guys!

It was 8 in the morning, but her voice was so cheerful and light already. Tina and I were still in pajamas. On a normal day, we would've found Tris in hers too. But today was all but a normal day, especially for her.

She was dressed in a creamy beige pantsuit, with a tight white top underneath. It snatched her waist and popped out her tan. She had little makeup on, enhancing her features and giving her an unmatched glow.

"Wow Prior. You look amazing." 

She looks at me and blushes a little, bringing colors to her cheeks.

"Seriously, Bea. You're absolutely gorgeous!!" Tina follows.

Well, gorgeous would be an understatement.

With her natural wavy hair falling on her shoulders, she was giving a friendlier shine to the classy look of her clothes.

- Really? You don't think it's too much?

She turns to my sister. "I still haven't figured out what to do with my shoes... and hair. I'm hesitant between pinning it up or keeping it down. I want to look sharp but kind too, if you know what I mean"

They immediately get caught up in a conversation that I couldn't quite keep up with. But I follow them upstairs anyways, simply observing.

- What are you even doing here? Tina asks when she finally realizes my presence.

"Emotional support?" I try.

She rolls her eyes and goes back to Prior's hair.

I see her apply some gel on her hands and apply it in a specific way on her hair. My sister also clips a few front stands to the back, and when she's done, Tris' curls were more defined and voluminous, and her face was framed nicely by the hairstyle.

"Oh my gosh, Tina!!! That looks so great!" she shrieks. 

I chuckle a little as they continue their frantic chat about looks and hair and enter her dressing room. They come out with a three pairs of shoes in hand, and Beatrice tries them out as we comment on each.

Tris finally settles on white closed heels, with wine red on the bottom.

I was lost in thought, admiring her perfection, when an alarm suddenly rings.

- Oh!

Tris reaches to her phone and turns it off the reminder. "I have to take off guys, or else I'll be late."

She quickly gathers her purse and laptop bag. Before leaving, she checks her reflection out one last time and pets a sleepy Four on the head.

We follow her out the bedroom, and she runs down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen.

"How the fuck did you do that! Don't your feet hurt?!" I almost yell in shock.

"That woman just ran down the stairs in fucking heels", Tina turns to me. "If you don't marry her, I will."

We hear echoes of Beatrice's laugh in the kitchen.

I go in there and take her bags from her. Tina helps her pick out a few snacks for the road.

We were all so frantic, it was kinda funny in some way. The situation was weirdly similar to the numerous "you're so late for school!" scenarios of our childhood.

When Beatrice is finally done, I put her stuff in the passenger seat next to her, then go to Tina's side.

- When are you gonna be back? Tina asks.

"Late in the evening, I think. Are you doing anything tonight?" she answers, getting into her seat.

- Yeah, we're gonna hang out at Jaden's, I think. You know how he has a pool? He invited Amy and Grace too.

"I feel like he has a thing for Grace", Beatrice says with a smirk.

- Yeah, me too.

I snicker at their silliness. 

"You two sound like 14 years old... Anyways. Try to make it, yeah?"

She nods.

- I'll take off as early as I can. In hopes that the meeting goes well.

I smile and bow down to be on her eye level.

"It will", I say, but my tone turns a little more serious. "Drive safe, please. And call me if you need anything, okay? I mean it."

Beatrice grins back at me and nods. 

A few minutes later, she's already off to New York.

I'm happy for her, as it's an amazing opportunity for her, but something in my gut tells me something isn't right.

I look at her car before it disappears on the road.

"I have a bad feeling about this", I mutter.

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