A very unfortunate encounter

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The meeting was a success.
I could feel everyone was getting a little more comfortable and used to the idea of working together.

As soon as the meeting was over, I gathered my stuff in a hurry. I caught up with my coworkers for a while but soon left. I wanted to grab my boxes from Camilla's apartment and head to the town. I couldn't wait to get back there and hangout with my friends.

- Hey Cam!

"Beatrice! How are you?!" she quickly answers my call.

- I'm okay. Are you home right now?

"Uhh why?"

"Because I'm in New York...?"


Her scream nearly busts my eardrums. I wince at it.

"Beatrice I forgot that it was today, I'm so so sorry. I'm at work right now, but there's a key under the matt. Get in, your stuff is by the door."

I sigh in relief.

- That's great, thanks. But I really wanted to see you.

"Me too, maybe next time? I wish I could get out of there, but it's really chaotic right now."

- I understand Cam, don't worry.

Once I hung up with her, I get in my car and take the road to my old building. My heart races a little when I get there, but as I go into the elevator, I begin to calm down.

I suddenly feel... at peace with leaving New York.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad I got back to Virginia. But coming back here shortly makes me realize that it was the best and right decision, it made me feel happy and satisfied.

The elevator dings and I get out. Following Cam's instructions, I get the rest of the boxes out of the apartment. When I'm done, I make sure the door is locked and put the spare key back where it was, then head towards the elevator again.

I impatiently tap my foot on the elevator floor, my heels click. My reflection in the mirror in here gives me the chance to fix myself up a little: there was not so much damage... My makeup was a little faded, and I did look more tired than this morning, but that was pretty much it.

When the thick metal doors finally open, I step outside and take fast steps towards the exit.

"Fancy seeing you here, sweetie."

My whole body comes to halt.

I freeze.

My heart is beating fast.

My ears drown the busy sound of the city.

My hands grip on the boxes I'm holding. They turn white.

For a moment there, I forget how to move. But I take a deep breath, and give myself a moment to get my shit together.

"Tristan", I say dryly as I turn around to face him.

He looks... different. I could tell his eyes were a little red, dark circles have formed under them eyes. He hasn't shaved, there was a subtle on his cheeks and chin.

- Well hello, Beatrice! What have you been up to lately!?

I think I could've killed him at that time.

"Are you serious??" 

He chuckles. It was a joyless, dry laugh.

- Oh if you don't want to answer that's okay. I'll go first! There's nothing new going on with me, really... Just the usual stuff. Going out for drinks with the homies, trying to solve problems and puzzles at the hospital... and I'm good at it, however, the only thing I haven't quite figured out is why you disappeared.

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