Surprise surprise

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Tina's POV

I bet you're asking yourself how great my reaction was when my best friend and my brother told me they got together.

And... You're right to ask! IT WAS LOUD MAN!

Even though I knew their little getaway would eventually end this way... it felt so surreal. These two have the fucking best chemistry.
One that matches mine and Dave's. Cause let me tell you, our chemistry was on fire in the mountains, if you know what I mean ;)

Anyways enough of my wonderful romance with Dave.

We came back a few weeks ago, and summer was coming to an end.

Since then, I've been running with Beatrice in the mornings. Almost every day. Gave us an opportunity to catch up and spend time alone together.

I mean hey- she's dating my brother but I am her primary friend before that.

Today was Thursday. It was a normal Thursday: we were getting closer to our houses, out of breath, sweaty, but smiling when we notice Jake going outside with two bottles of cold water for us.

Except today, it wasn't Jake who met us on the sidewalk.

My face was livid.

The couple looked lost, like they weren't familiar with the place. But their faces were oh so familiar to me.

I turn to Beatrice, whose skin was visibly getting paler as the two persons approached us.

"Hello", the man said. "We're looking for someone who supposedly lives here. Her name's-"

"Beatrice." The woman cuts him off. Her low whisper trailed off as she recognized her daughter. "Phill, that's- that's her."

Bea doesn't say anything. Her eyes shift from her mother to her father. They looked so different but not so different at the same time. Phill doesn't do much but nod, as if he was unfazed. But Kendra's tired eyes filled with little tears.

She stares at her daughter then shifts her attention onto me.

"And you're... Christine, right? You used to live next door, I think."

- It's Tina. If you want to address her, at least find the right name.

Beatrice's slightly sharp tone throws her dad off a bit.

"Hey, young lady! Watch it with your-" he starts.

- It's okay, Phill. She must be surprised to see us. Sorry, we didn't mean to show up like this, we should've warned you before... Is it- is it okay? If we come in? You live here now, right?

"Yeah", she breathes out. "Of course."

Kendra mutters a small smile, and Phill just nods along like an idiot. Fucking bitches.

Bea lightly grabs my wrist for a second, as we're walking towards her front door, and I understand from her that she wants me to come in with them.

You sure? I give her a look.

She nods, but she sees something behind my shoulder. Jake is standing a few feet away from us, and from the look on his face, he has apparently recognized the traumacouple too.

What the fuck? he mouths. Beatrice just shrugs, but I notice her shoulders are tense. She motions for Jake to join us too, and soon all five of us are gathered awkwardly in the living room.

She clears her throat.

"This is Jake, you must remember him, right?"

She says this so casually, but there is the tiniest glint of hope in her voice that breaks my heart.

- I vaguely do... hello, Jake.

He shakes her hand, and Phill's too. But I can tell he's uncomfortable.

Same bitch same. I'm so torn between tearing these fellas' heads off and hugging Bea for the rest of my life.

- Please, have a seat.

I sit down next to her, on one side, while her parents sit in front of us. Jakes disappears in the kitchen.

- So, um, what brings you here guys? I can't say I'm not surprised to see you after all these years.

"Your mother tried to reach you yesterday. But the phone number has expired or something apparently."

- Yeah, I've changed it. Five years ago.

A silence weighs on the table. Jake breaks it by bringing in cups of cold water for every one.

- Thanks Jacob, Kendra says.

She sips on the glass, then looks directly in her daughter's eyes.

- We honestly had no clue if we'd really find you here. Went through so many houses back home... then figured out you might be here. This was our last resort, we used the last bits of our money to come here.

Beatrice shows a cold facade on her face.

"What was so important that you had to see me?"

- What, we can't just want to see our daughter?

Beatrice snaps her head to him. Although she's quiet, I can tell the force in her voice. "No, Dad. You don't. Something's up, something is always up, and I want to know what it is. Now."

Phill and Kendra share a look.

 She takes the lead. "There's this guy. Trevor. He works at some vet clinic in Ohio. We live there now, and he used to... sell us drugs." She's nervous, fidgeting with her fingers. "We-We owe him money. A lot of money. We honestly thought you could help us closing it. These guys... they're not so harmful but you really don't want to get on their blacklist. We've owed him this money for about a year now, since your dad quit his job."

For once during this whole encounter, Phill looks at the carpet, and seems to actually step down a bit. 

"How much?" Beatrice asks straight-forward.

- About ten grand.

Kendra's whisper makes my eyes grow wider. Holy. Shit.

It doesn't seem to phase Beatrice though.


This one word seems to surprise both her parents.

- Really? Phill asks. How well are you doing for yourself to be able to give us the money?

She stares back at him blankly.

"That's not the question you wanted to ask me so it's not the answer I'm gonna give you. I will get you the money. Today, full cash. Now tell me, who is this Trevor guy?"

They proceed to give us a few information about their dealer. The name of the clinic, last name, stuff like that. But it's enough for Jake to look it up and find its location, as well as his face, as he's the owner of the clinic.

"Is that him?" he asks Kendra.

She nods.

"Doesn't seem like the worst guy... are you in danger cause he doesn't have the money?"

Phill shakes his head. "No, as long as he gets it back this month, he won't bother us. To him, business is business." 

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