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Today would mark one week of my stay here.

Which means I'm halfway through the little break Tristan and I took. So I have exactly seven days to think everything through and decide what's gonna happen next.
But frankly, these past two days have been pure fun and joy. I haven't given Tristan much thought, but when I did, only negative emotions resurfaced. The memories of our fights would flood my mind, and I'd get so angry. I still can't believe he wasn't supportive of the program. Even worse, he did not want me to go!

When I talked with Tina about all this, her only answer was that I could use this break to loosen up, and when I do so the right decision will come to me in the right time.

Deep down I knew she was right, that patience was the key to everything. But again, every time I try to think about our relationship I can only think of how angry I am at him.

Damn it! A boyfriend is supposed to support his girlfriend! Or else what's the point? Just love the other as they don't let you grow in your career and as a person? 

I shake these thoughts of my head as I get ready. Today I decided to straighten my wavy hair. Because why not.
I receive a text from Tina just as I was putting on a blue tank top.

This town had many amazing characteristics. One of them being hosting many events. Today there's a festival happening. A charitable organization gave the opportunity to local shops to display their products and have a stand, in such way that a percentage of the benefits made would go to charity.

I really was amazing, and most citizens here look forward to these kinds of events; we have access to lots of products, we support our local businesses and get to contribute to charity! 

This festival is supposed to take place all day, but Tina will have to leave early due to her internship.
But that's okay, cause Jake will be there and I'm sure I'll find Amy and Grace somewhere.

My phone tings in a notification sound.

"Bitch hurry upppp we're at your door"

- I'm here! I scream, running down the stairs.

I open the door and close it behind me, greeting Tina and Jake.

She grabs my hand excitedly and hurries me to walk faster. 

"Let's go!!"

Jake and I share a glance then chuckle. Tina can become really crazy and stubborn when she likes or wants something.

- Fine fine! I laugh. We're not far, T. The festival won't run away from you I promise!

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