The first night

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I ended up spending the afternoon with Tina and Jake. We went to our favorite cocktail place and catched up on everything we missed in each other's lives.

We also walked. A lot.
By the time we went back to her house, I've already seen most of the area, and my feet were killing me.

Tina noticed how tired I was, probably because of the loud yawn I just let out.
But just as I was about to excuse myself and go home, she said : " Maybe you should crash here for the night, B. You had a long day, and I'm not sure you're capable of enduring the 'moving in' process right now. "

I hesitate. I mean, she had a point, but I didn't want to intrude and -

" Yeah I think Tina's right," Jake said. "You're not in state to unpack your stuff right now. Take a break. Sleep here and tomorrow the morning's yours. Moving back in takes time, Prior. There's no rush."

This is how I ended up on the couch of their living room, in some of Tina's pajamas, staring at the ceiling.

No matter how much my body needed sleep, my mind was wide awake. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier this morning. I left Tristan. Our apartment. New York. Tristan. Oh God, Tristan.

My brain decided to replay every argument we've had since the fight about the program. Every disagreement. Every time I yelled, screamed, cried. Each time he rolled his eyes at me. Every upset expression he had on his face. All of the angry stares he'd give me. All the nights we used to fall asleep mad at each other. Then the mornings after when we'd act like nothing happened.

It all came back to me, slapping me back into reality with a force that could only bring tears to my eyes.
I was crying badly, with my elbows on my knees and face between my hands.

But then I heard footsteps. I quickly wiped my cheeks.

Tina knocked slowly on the door, even if it was slightly open. When she sees me, she steps towards me and sits on the couch.
- Come here, she whispers.

I put my head on her shoulder while she wraps her arms around me. We sit there while I sob, till I eventually fall asleep.

~ ~ ~

I wake up the next morning to ushered whispers. I heard my name come up a couple of times, but couldn't really tell what they were talking about. I'm not sure I wanted to know anyway.

- Morning, I mutter while stepping into the kitchen.

Tina smiles and puts a hand on my arm.

"I thought you were an early bird, Prior," Jake smiles mockingly.

- What time is it?

- Almost noon !

- Yes, but she had a long and tiring day, Tina says with a heavy stare to Jake.

"And I have another one ahead," I sigh. "I need coffee."

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