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I was ridiculously proud of the conversation I had with Tina upstairs.

Well, technically, not a conversation. It was more like a line. The one that announces a promising drama scene at the theater. Yeah, I bet the talk she's having with her brother is hella interesting. (insert my evil laugh here.)

Anyways, I got back to taking out things out of my trunk, and I was carrying a box in my arms, when Four started meowing at me.

I chuckled.

He's simply adorable.

- Tris. Do you need any help with that?

I turn around to find Jake on the bottom of the stairs.

- Thanks, but I've got it.

He shrugs but heads towards the door, picking up one of the luggage of clothes. 

"You might wanna be careful with that, Jakey, it's kinda heav- Oh."

Right in the middle of my sentence, the guy picked it up effortlessly, and carried it to the top of the staircase.

"You were saying?" he said, smirking. 

I shake my head, laughing, then enter the kitchen to pour myself a cup of water. I find the one I drank from between my goings on the counter and grab it. Four follows me, and starts meowing at me. Louder and louder.

I chuckle between two sips.

"Why's he screaming at you, Tris?!! God he's so whiny!", Jake yells from the living room.

I scoff.

- Reminds me of someone.

- What's that supposed to mean?! Jake says in a falsely offended voice.

But as I was heading towards the door of the kitchen, Four starts running between my feet, trying to get me to stop. But with the box carried on my side by a hand and the other holding my cup, it wasn't that easy for me to move him to the side.

So i carry on, holding the weight securely to my side. 

But just as I was taking the glass up to my lips for another sip, Four gets between my feet and blocks me. I trip halfway through my step and lose balance, falling to the side. I hear glass shatter beneath me just before my whole body collapses, right into the puddle of glass pieces.

I try to remove the box from my hip, blocking me from moving. In an attempt to move it, I feel it float away. Wow, magic does exist then. My eyes focus to the force that apparently moved it, and a handsome man appears in my sight.

- Jakey.

My face breaks into what I think is a smile, and I try to straighten up, but I feel warm hands on my face.

- Careful, Tris. Now, tell me what happened.

He helps me stand up, and I do so without showing any sign of difficulty, which was what I think jake is looking for, giving his very aware and attentive gaze.

"I don't have a concussion, Jake", I chuckle to his worried expression.

"Yes..." he starts slowly. "But I'm pretty sure this isn't nothing."

He points to the blood on my leg, dripping from a deep wound on the side of my thigh.

- Shit, Beatrice. We have to get you to the hospital. 

I feel my whole face pale at his sentence.

I struggle to find my words. "N-No. I'm-I'm not going to the hospital".

I try to take a step back but Jake pulls my waist gently but firmly enough just as I was going to step on other pieces of glass in my socks.

"Yes, we are, Beatrice." He then yells Tina's name, who flies down the stairs when she sees the red liquid everywhere. It was on my clothes, the parquet, my whole leg...

- Oh my gosh, Beatrice! What happened!

"We don't have time for stories, Tina", Jake says. "I don't want her losing any more blood. Give me that towel, please."

Tina hands it to him as he carries me to the passenger seat of my car. "Press that on your wound, Tris."

I do so as he take the keys of my car and get into the driver seat. There still were boxes in the backseat and practically no place for Tina to sit in.

So we leave without her, and Jake was practically going as fast as he could, taking turns and shortcuts to get me to the hospital.

Everything was happening in such a blur.

" I don't wanna go to the hospital", I whisper so low that I doubt he even heard me.

But his right hands finds her way to mine, as the other was on the steering wheel. He takes my fingers in his and presses gently. By that simple gesture, I knew he heard me.


- Jake. It hurts.

Tears were steaming down my face. This only makes him go faster, till we eventually reach the hospital. He parks the car fast, and gets out to be by my side in a flash. He takes the now blood-soaked towel from my hands and carries me into the doors of the ER.

There, a nurse immediately gives us attention. Jake handles it all, gives the right answers to the nurse and asks the right questions as well.

They take me in a room and start preparing me for stitches.

As they were about to apply local anesthesia on my leg, a nurse turned to Jake.

"Sir, I need you to step outside, for the patient's privacy. The wound goes high up her leg, and we might need to undress her so if you would please-"

- No, I say. Don't go. Please, let him stay. If that's okay?

The last bit was more directed to Jake, but the nurse nods and leaves to do whatever.

I was scared to my core. Hospitals weren't the brightest of places for me, and they brought back really sour memories. I really really didn't like the feeling of being abandoned here, and I needed Jake by my side. There was no reason for him to leave the room.

He nods and steps closer to me.

"Wherever you need me, I'll be there", he says before leaving a kiss on my forehead.

Tears fill my eyes.

- Miss Beatrice. I'm gonna need you to remove your shorts so we can access your wound better. Try to move as little as possible to not hurt yourself even more.

I follow the nurse's directions as another female woman helps me with my clothes. We eventually manage to take it off, and I glance at Jake, only to find him texting.

He turns off his phone and looks back at me.

"Tina's on the way. I told her to bring you clothes."

I smile gratefully.

"Tell her to get you a t-shirt too. It's all stained... I'm really sorry, Jake."

- You have nothing to be sorry for, Prior.

I giggle at the nickname.

"Well, I'm just glad your shorts aren't ruined. You look absolutely handsome in them", I chuckle.

Then, for a hot second, I process what I just said out loud.

My face turns pink, but Jake bursts out laughing.

- Oh so it takes me all this "carrying you bridal style to your car" for you to find me hot? Well damn it, Prior. If I had known I would've done it way sooner.

I suddenly felt very self-aware. And the fact that I was in my underwear didn't really help.

I clear my throat, my cheeks still burning. I looked down, trying not to meet his gaze, but I could still feel Jake's smirk.

The temptation was really bad, and I looked back up at his shiny eyes.

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