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"Daya was singled out in class today"

Seungmin stopped blowing on his noodles, looking at Jeongin who spoke. "Why?"

"She sat at the back. I don't think she was even able to see the board", Jeongin snickered, making himself comfortable on the boy's bed.

"Your noodles will get soggy!", Jisung exclaimed, features scrunching up at the thought of soggy noodles.

Seungmin rolled his eyes, "Why do you even care?. You are not the one having them", he reminded, putting the rolled up noodles on his chopsticks into his mouth.

Jisung shuddered, "It's just disturbing to think of them going soggy", he leaned back on the couch, crossing his legs underneath him.

Seungmin saved his comment and just focused on eating quickly to save Han Jisung the view of seeing soggy noodles.

The beep of the door's pass code made the boys snap to the door. The door declined access and whoever that was on the other side, tried inputting another code.

Seungmin turned to Jeongin, laying on his bed. "You changed the code, didn't you?"

The youngest boy sat up, dropping his phone beside him on the huge bed. "I had to. I caught Felix hyung stealing the yoghurts we had in the fridge", he defended, "And there was also Chan hyung sneaking out Jisung's ps5"

Said boy snapped his head to him, "Say, what?!"

Jeongin nodded, "It wasn't his first time too", he added.

Jisung scoffed at the information. He was planning the different ways to smother that hyung of his. "You did a good job in changing the codes then"

Jeongin grinned, dimples appearing as he gladly took his hyung's compliment.

"Whoever it is, will go away", Seungmin looked at the door and went back to eating, the next second.


"These bastards", the boy on the other side cursed. He thought for a while and typed in another code, even though he knew he would be denied access again. "Fuckers", he cursed again when he met another denial.

"Yoo, Felix"

The boy turned to the end of the corridor. "What's up, hyung"

"What are you doing...", he paused, looking at the room number 506. "Isn't that Seungmin's room?"

"It is", Felix confirmed. He quickly turned to the boy, "Changbin hyung, try putting in a password", he tugged the boy's bicep- the most his tiny hand could allow- forward. "Try"

"Why?", Changbin said, looking down at the machine, "Did they change the code?"

Felix pushed his mop of blond hair back, "Obviously hyung. Just input whatever"

Seo Changbin. The smartest in his friend crew. His little finger typed in. 142208. Click.

Felix jaws dropped in awe. "Shit. Hyung", he stared at the buffed boy.

Changbin grinned, shaking his head. "Don't mention it", he winked, pushing the door open.

Felix gasped in betrayal when he saw the three boys stationed everywhere in the huge room. "The fuck. Were you all here the whole time?", he shut the door.

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