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I woke up early today so i could replenish my used herb yesterday rounds. My name is harvey, a stripeless leopard and healer of the camel hump valley. My daily routine is to check the health of our tribe females,cater to my village medical needs and forage some herbs to make medicine. As my exploration got deeper into the forest, i smell something sweet and alluring. I never smelled something like this before. I followed the scent to its origin.. i froze on the spot on what i saw on the ground.. a FEMALE!! A beautiful female on top of that lying on the grass unconscious. I check her body if there's a fatal injury or something so i could apply some medicine on her to prevent further implications. I got curious
Why is she alone? Where is her tribe? Her guardian or family? Is she lost?? And what is she wearing? What kind of fur is this?? And what are those (looking at her bags) next to her.

"Female, female, are you alright?" I shake her lightly to wake her up.

The female open her eyes slowly. My heart stop beating the moment i saw her hazel brown eyes, her fair skin face and her luscious red lips. She was the most gorgeous female i ever saw in this land. Kid you not! I can't close my gaping mouth to the scene infront of me. In beastworld, there's a rule that if you save a female, you got a chance to be her mate if she's ok with it. I hope she gives me chance to court her but seeing how pretty and unguarded she is, i can't protect her (sigh!) Not that I don't want it but Im too weak to be her mate to the point that i myself accepted my situation as a mateless beast man.

She look around confusingly and became sad in a matter of seconds but recovered her mood immediately. Her gaze landed on me.. OH BOY! my heart flutter like a butterfly the moment i saw her reaction while looking at me. She looked away shyly with her tinted red cheeks. She's so cute!

"Who are you? Where am i? Why are you naked?

She bombarded me with a series of  questions while clutching her head in pain. I answered all her inquiries while observing her. I told her who i am that we are in the middle of the jungle near Camel hump valley.

"What!!! You're HARVEY!! I-- I mean the very same "The harvey: the healer of camel valley??" I-im sorry for my reaction but ..are you sure??is this real?? Wait a minute, lemme slap my face for reality check."

She slap her face HARD, real hard were you could see stars floating above her head. I flinched and shocked to move for what she had done to her face, a five fingerprint came visible to her face after her slap.

I quickly jump on my feet to check on her. My instincts to protect for female got activated, i check her face and got to work by grinding some herbs to make a paste to put on her face. She's watching my every move while observing her surroundings. She starts murmuring to herself then nod her head in agreement to something.

I tilted my head in puzzlement by her reactions.

"Oh! Im sorry i haven't introduce myself. My name's Ellise by the way and i don't have any mate's as you can see. Can you help Harvey?" Her head droop inciting my ego and pride as a man to not abandon her.

Her reaction to seek help is very cute.

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