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I woke up to someone groping my chest in a circular motion especially on my left side. ( Who dares to disturb  my beauty sleep!! )

I frown and smack that sinful hand away and pull my blanket up covering my drowsy self again.  I could faintly hear someone snicker at my side. I shrug then continue to lull myself to sleep again but that didn't happen coz a brazen someone yank my blanket away. Immediately i feel the chill all over my body due to coldness, i whine and TRIED to feel where my blanket went.

"Lise, lise wake up little mate. It's past noon already, you have to eat something.". He murmurs to my side.

"10 more minutes please" i groggily answered.

"Come on, just eat something. What about this, i'll feed you myself then you can return to sleep afterwards." he suggested

I just nod my head, too tired to speak.

I feel someone poking my mouth, i instinctively shove it away from my mouth. This time, i hear chuckle and  sigh on my side, i tried to open eyes slowly adjusting to the light of day, I curiously peek to the origin of the sounds but discover both of my mates were staring at me amusingly.

"Good morning?hehe" a yawn escape on my lips.

"It's already past noon babe, here, eat this fruits while i reheat your meal this morning and brew you some tea." harvey retorted, kissing my forehead then skidaddle to our kitchen.

"aww! thanks babe! You're so sweet." I smiled at him with hearts and flowers flutters around me excitedly to his sweet gestures.

I start munching my fruits like a happy hamster forgetting someone on my side.

I turn my attention to my side and jolt for seeing the ones i imagine to be fierce, possessive and dominant male lead but who is this?a brooding snake with dark clouds hanging on his head beside me. I giggle to his antics but i do love this man already.

"Good morning to you too my handsome mate, why are you brooding on such lovely day?".still giggling.

This perks him and he smiled stunningly"good morning lise, how are you feeling?".

"Aaahhh!! My eyes!! So bright !! He  look so dazzling today. I wonder why??) (Fake Innocence (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠'⁠;⁠)

"Sore and tired, but all is good, nothing to worry about. Thank you for asking. What about you?? How are you feeling today?" I asked

"Ecstatic!" A swirl of emotions visible on his eyes while staring at my chest part proudly.

I follow his gaze and shock how beautiful his mark is. A beautiful snake slithering on my upper left part of my chest.

"Thank you lise, for accepting me as your mate and be one of your family

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"Thank you lise, for accepting me as your mate and be one of your family. I'm the luckiest snake of my kind to receive such love and acceptance. Throughout my legacy, no one in my kind have this kind of memories. Most of them were abandoned and other's chose death after they killed their mate. So, thank you so much my little mate." He confess with a teary eyed expression.

I was flabbergasted by his confession, my mind went blank and my heart ache for their entire race to experience such misery and alienation. I put down the food i'm eating then hugged him tightly with all my might and saying sweets words on his ear while caressing his back with my hand.

We stay like this until harvey came carrying my reheated meal and tea. I let go of curtis and then spoke in a serious tone, "i know this  may sound inappropriate at the moment but i have to tell you something serious that could affect our entire life for this. I know for a fact that i already told harvey about this but there's no harm in listening to it again. This confession may take awhile and listen carefully, ok! I don't like to repeat myself in the future. And for future reference, i'll let you guys brief my future males about this, it's kinda vex me to repeat it myself. So yeah! I'll pass that tasked to you two *wink*wink*.

I turn my whole attention to curtis, then said " Curtis, my love i know this may sound shocking and crazy but trust me this will blow your mind after hearing this. I have to tell you this for the sake of my inner peace and mostly out of guilt for leading you astray to your predestined future."

Curtis just frown but listen attentively.

"First off, let me introduce myself, i'm ellise sage, 25 years of age, seasons rather (whatever how you call it) an earthling came from the world called earth. My race were known as human being were both male and female cannot shift to beast. Our kind can produce offspring anytime coz female experience estrous every month. We're a monogamous race coz ratio between male and female were equal. Some would mate for fun but some would commit to a ritual to bind one another called marriage. We don't have marks on our body after mating and would not suffer from repercussions if ever our marriage doesn't work. They could walk away scot free." I said

They both growl to that statement. ( wooh! Hold your horses!)

"EHEEMM!" I cleared my throat so i could stop their growling session to no one.

They shut their mouth and silence permits air.

"Now as i were saying, (gotta clear the misunderstanding about my race especially for the males (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) ) not all males in my race are like that. SOME!ok ! some of them were like my husband who devoted his life for his wife and children.

"What's a husband and children?" Ask curtis.

"A husband is like a mate who i choose to be with together in eternity and children is what we call for our cubs. In short, i already have a mate and cubs on earth." I told them

"That makes sense, so how did get here in the first place? Do you plan to go back there?" he asked nervously

That question makes my male rigid and scared for my upcoming answer.

"Well, before harvey found me in the forest unconscious, i got on a car accident on my way to my friend's cottage. I don't know if i'm already  dead or my body were just in a coma. I really don't have a clue. All i could remember is that my ear are buzzing loudly and then darkness took over my body. That's it!" I truthfully told them while fidgeting my fingers anxiously.

Curtis hugged me behind while harvey took both of my hands while caressing it affectionately.

"About my husband, he was my first love and everything in that world, he took care of us and love us unconditionally. Being on a world of polygamy, was a major shocker to my world views as well but i have to adapt on the situation and learn the ways here for survival. His our sole provider and I'm incharge taking good care of everything in our home. I cook, clean, take good care of my husband's and my kids needs and create a home worth living in it." I choke on my words and sob remembering my family.

They didn't stop me but comfort me with their caress and touch. I wipe my tears away then continued.

"I'm sorry, i can't stop myself from crying but it makes my heart ache knowing that i can't be with them anymore..

( i took deep breathe then still continue my narration of my life).

PART 1..........

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