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Hi guys!! This is my first ever smut scene writing and still on novice stage.. hope you'll like it!! Tenncchuuu!!



I leaned on harvey's embrace after i ate my fill. We stay in that position while enjoying our time in a complete comfortable silence.

Time passes by, Boredom struck me this time. I don't mind this lovey dovey state but my shameless brain can't stay still. A lightbulb appear for another plan to be executed. I hid my face with a devilish smile away from harvey's eyesight. I device a plan that could entrap this simpleton in our road to forever.Why wait for too long if i could make this beast mine now. Someone shameless like me might appear and snatch him stealthily. Early bird catches the worm and not gonna act like a virgin. What's the point of my 10 years experience as a married woman.. right? ( ^⁠_⁠^ ) *winking*!

I start moving my butt and you could instantly feel something twitching and poking. He embrace me hard and you could feel his tense body. He kissed my nape and started licking my neck. I moaned and enjoy this sensation.

"Hhmmm.. harrrrvveeeyyy...."i softly called him. I feel hot all over my body.

"Elle, you smell sooo good!! Can we mate babe?"




Our lips connected immediately. We kissed slowly, exploring and enjoying each other's taste. I feel my back on the bed without breaking our lips in its passionate mission. I snake my hand on his neck to deepened our kiss.

Harvey's hand starts to roam my body. My body tingled and respond to his touch with need. His mesmerizing lustful gaze left me on cloud 9. He took my clothes off and take his time to appreciate the beauty underneath him. He throw his hide to side that let his hard bulge sprung to life. My heated gaze never left him and my anticipation soar high to the roof. I know his huge and long but never thought that the awaken state would be different. I wonder what supplements do they take.

He crawl on top of me and start kissing me fervently. He caress my skin tenderly. He massage my chest softly like it's natural to him. I moan on his mouth and he left my mouth to start his licking mission on my body. He starts on my neck upto my twin peaks. Nipping, biting and sucking left me breathless. His other hand find his way on my dripping flower. The way he touch me there makes my body yearn for him more. I guess his experience as a healer helps him a lot this time. He peppered me with kisses until he spread my legs to see my dripping wet. He kissed both sides of my inner legs and smell my scent over there.

"Elle, you smell so sweet"

"Please . Harvey...."

He lick and ate my flower like no tomorrow. He first inserted 1 finger while nipping my little pearl with his mouth then 2 fingers. The way his fingers move sent me to a euphoric state. After some time, 3 fingers were inserted. He continued it until im in my limit.

"Babe...iiimm cummmingg!!" .he moves faster this time and then my juice gushed out uncontrollably. My body became sensitive after my orgasm. He lick his lips like it was the most delicious thing he ever ate. My body heated up again

My breathing are rigid due to the aftermath of my release. He positioned himself to my aching core and slowly thrust his member inside of me. A gasped escape on my mouth. SO BIG!

He looked at my reaction if there's any discomfort or anything. I assured him that im ok and that he could move again. He kissed my lips while thrusting again.

Im a moaning mess right now.

"Yes harvey! That's it! Don't stop! Fuck me hard... Ooohhh .. that's so good!

"You're so tight elle "

The way plunge his hard member into me was amazing. I raise my back so he could thrust deeper and a knotting feeling slowly accumulating in my stomach.
His movements starts to increase.

"Elle.. im cumming!! "Thrust faster and deeper.

"I'm cumming too! Let's cum together harvey!"

He plunge it harder this time and we both cum together. He came inside of me and let his seeds spilled in there.

He didn't pulled his thing out. He just let it stay in there.

My breathing stabilize after our intense exercise. I close my eyes and snuggled to his chest with a sigh of contentment.

"Hey babe,, now that were officially mated.. where's your mark?? ( Checking my body )

He kissed my left back were my heart is.

A beautiful half bodied leopard were printed over there.

A beautiful half bodied leopard were printed over there

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"What's the meaning of my mark??"

"It means that you love and trusted me the most."

"Of course! that's a given! I love you so much! And i would've told you my secrets if I don't trust you. Aren't i??" So don't you dare doubt my feelings for you".

"I love you ellise"

"I love you too you my fluffy cat"

He chuckled and kiss me again. A twitching movement got my attention.

Ohh boyy!! Here we go again ..(but i like it)

We spent our whole day mating without a care. We only take a break when going to take a piss, eat and drink.

My tired ass can't take anymore assault from him. I lay in there motionless. My muscles won't let me especially in my nether region.

Harvey fetch some water and hide wipe my body clean from sweat and grime.

He help me put my hide dress and carry me to the other side of the room so he could change the hides that were soiled by us. He move quickly and after that he carry me again to our fully change bedsheet. I yawned and yawned but my hunger is another thing.

I can't wait for harvey to cook for me but i do have food supplies in the bag to satiate my hunger for now. I ate all my remaining sandwiches before they go to waste and a bottle of water.

Smut ended!!

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