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We arrive in no time. Curtis put me down then slither to our room for a nap, leaving me alone in the room.

Harvey wanted to help me but i forbid him today.

"Get some rest babe, i've got this. I know your tired from travel and uhm...thank you babe for granting my request and great job too" .i praise him while touching his face tenderly.

"Ok" harvey's eyes twinkle as i praise him.

1 hour later....

Finally! It's done..I made a fried dishes of fish and deer meat then fish soup and roasted deer with a twist (i added spices into it).

"Babe, find a shaded space outside then place our picnic mat to the spot you choose. Were going to eat outside today" I ask him.

"Sure do babe, please wait a moment".He replied then move quickly.

"All done babe, let me get this food outside then." - harvey carried the soup and the roasted deer.

I'm about to call for curtis when he appear on my side which halted me from shouting.

My men carried all the foods outside leaving me nothing to bring.

I shrug, they insisted that it's their turn to help me out, who am i to deny that. ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠'⁠;⁠)⁠┌

I leave them be and continue walking to were our late lunch being held.

I called for my men to settle down then my guests who are now gulping down their saliva while looking at the foods i prepare.

"Shuu? Muir? Please have a sit, let's eat first before we talk. They just nodded in agreement.

They sit infront of me while curtis and harvey occupy the spaces beside me.

We started eating then i heard series of praises how delicious and unique it is from the duo.

I grin without looking at their faces.

"Is it good? I teasingly ask them

They hum in response as they continue to devour the foods with enthusiasm.

After our hearty meal, we stay seated and finally decided to clear the air.

" Thank you again for taking up your time just to accept my silly request. Knowing that you still have obligation waiting for you two there, so to make up for this, i'm making a proposal for the two of you." I ask them seriously.

"Proposal?" They echoed each other's thought.

"Yes, that's right! A proposal to be my mate."i replied with a blush present on my face.

I gaze at them, but they only stood still with shock written all over their faces ( i think i broke them)

I continue my speech, "as you can see, i only have 2 mates, one is a healer and the other is strong but there's a tiny bit of conflict in his situation. Me and my mates have talk about this and they approve under the condition that : first, they're should be a courting time before mating, second, the approval of my mates is a must before you could join the family." I finally told to them my family's uniqueness.

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