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We ate our fill and hit the sack early.

Tonight muir and shuu finally join us in the bedroom. Curtis he sleeps on the upper part of the bed, muir and shuu both sleep on my side while harvey position himself next to muir in his beast form. I kiss them good night and make myself comfortable in their awaiting arms.

I woke up at dawn feeling my bladder is about to burst.

"Muir? Hon wake up" i lightly tap muir without waking the others up.

"What is it? What happen" He yawns and look at me with his groggy eyes.

"I want to pee but i can't see a thing. It's too dark to walk and i might trip myself on the way. " I told him while crossing my legs preventing me from leaking.

He got up and carried me bridal style  to my designated space to relieve myself. He put me down and i quickly located my bucket to do my thing.

I finish my business quickly and he carried me back to our bed.

"Muir, are you still awake?" I ask him while i snuggle closer to him.

He hum as a response.

"I can't sleep, let's talk for awhile" i told him.

He gaze at me and said "what do you want to talk about then"

"About you" i directly said to him

"About me?hmm ...let see, after my mother gave birth to me and my sibling, my father took us immediately to the sea cliff where he would spent 35 days to incubate us until we hatched. It is also his responsibility to teach and guide us until we learn how to fly and survive on our own. After that, he'll return to his mate side and leave us alone to fend for ourselves." He narrated it nonchalantly like it was normal for them, which it is! on their own culture.

"What about your mother?" I ask curiously.

He flinched and became silent.

"Oh im sorry for asking you that" i lay my head on his chest feeling guilty for asking while listening to his beating heart.

"It's not like that ellise, it's just......"sigh" i found my mother when i came to the city to find them but seeing and observing with my own eyes how she treated my father, i feel so lost and conflicted. Every female that i saw were the same as her." He confess to me in one breath.

I became speechless to his confession but "Let me get straight, correct me if im were raise by your "father only" and haven't seen your own mother until you yourselves became strong enough to travel. That's awful! If ever we have our own clutches someday, i wouldn't let you bring our child to that cliff and raise them alone, not on my watch." I look and told him straight in the eye. My instinct as a mother wouldn't allowed it.

"That is how we raise and taught hon, especially us eagle beastman. " He responds in a factual tone.

I sigh "Forget it, let's talk about it in the future if given a chance" i quickly change the topic to avoid our conversation turn into an argument.

"Ok" he agreed immediately.

I close my eyes and tried to lull myself to sleep but to no avail as my braincells were now dancing chacha, tango curacha on its own. ( yep! That's how my brain works right now.)

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