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Back to the present..

Harvey wipes my face as he sees a small drip coming out of my mouth. Not only did he wipe my mouth but also my whole face who has now plastered an awe stricken fanatical look to winston.

I jerked back for what he did and looked confused at first but became flustered when it finally dawned on me why he just did that.

"you could've just told me" i sulkingly told him but he just flashed me an award winning smile as he answered.

"no worries babe, i love taking care of you during MOMENTS like this" he said emphasizingly.

"e-e-eehhmm... i knew that.. that's why i love you .....i mean all of you ..i love all of you equally ..*cough*cough!" i replied covering my mouth and hid my flushed face in front of them. You could hear my awkwardness in the situation.

"sure do babe ..sure do" he responds playfully with a chuckle.

"geez..." i roll my eyes at him for his playfulness.

He sits in front of me acting all cozy and sweet never bothering the jealous look that others are giving to him.

Such confidence i might say... still I blushed soo damn hard when he caressed my thigh near my crowning jewel who by the way is now throbbing for attention.

It also makes winston shift to the side to hide his bulge away from my peripheral view.

I let harvey do his thing. Sometimes, I do indulge them by letting them do this or that but it also depends on my mood.

Women's moods are very unpredictable, sometimes we like to be loved but sometimes we don't. We just built different.

Harvey looked up to me then asked "do you want some snacks to munch babe?" I shrugged then replied to him "no, at the moment"

He just responded casually with him lifting his shoulder up and down with an ok gesture ( i taught him that) then continued his unfinished business on my thigh.

"This damn cat... so be it! i do remember that i haven't given his punishment for taking so damn long to return and to top it all off...he just loves to add more to his collection of punishment."

"Dang boy, you got yourself a horny ass pregnant b*tch all fired up for some action" my devil side smirked

"i'll let you choke me, tease me, bind me, beat me with your love daddy.....shit!..woah!! that's totally dark right there ...i never knew i got this kinky side of me.. well besides the point ...but damn!!.." i shake my head dismissing my dirty dark romance kinds of thoughts out of my system.

"WTF?! what am i thinking right now?! " i criticize my devil side for having such thoughts in front of my mates and teasing me with wild thoughts and nonsense. I know I am having a mental breakdown not with winston presence but my horny ass is making me rethink what to do and what types of darkside i will do to my mates body. My mind and soul are a mess right now and harvey is the culprit for this mess.

Enough with my inner dialogue.

"Winston, are you sure that you want to be my mate and not regret it in the future?" I ask while snaking my hands on his waist were i could feel him tense up and his hard earn abs.

He seriously faced me then answered "i do, and i knew i won't regret this in the future instead i am so grateful that you personally seek and accepted me as your mate despite my uhmn... i mean despite how hideous i am."

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