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I went straight home after my eventful excursion. A beautiful female proposes to be my mate and on top of that she personally requested to look for me. I don't know how to contain this exhilarating feeling but somehow i survive the onslaught. Whoever or whenever she get an idea about me, i thank them wholeheartedly for leading me to a wonderful possible future. I excitedly pack my things and search for my father's location.

As always, father is hovering at my mother's side whenever he have time despite his kingly duty.

"Hello mother," i greeted her first

"Father" - he just nods at me

"Oh my! Cub, it's good to see you today. I heard you have been summon  by the leopard king earlier this morning. What was it? my mother ask curiously.

My father's inquisitive gaze look at me too.

"He summon me because his guest requested not only me, but muir and winston presence also." I confess to them

"A guest? What for? - my mother's curiosity triggered further

"A stripeless leopard came to his castle to report parker's female abduction in their village then request for us to meet him. And so i did." I added

"And?- i sigh, i can't escape when my mother is being like this adding to my father's threatening gaze if i don't entertain his mate gossipy nature.

"He told me that his female wants to meet us in person at their place. I went there together with the assigned team, muir and that leopard. I met his female, and .........." i suddenly stop my report when i  remember our interaction today.

"And??? what's next?what happen my cub? - i stop my reverie with my mother's urging.

"She's just wonderful" i blushed and became a lovestruck puppy thinking about her.

"Infact father, you have to look for someone to replace my post coz i'm leaving the city today to be with her." I finally told them the reasons why i'm here.

Both my parents were shock but recover immediately.

"Ok son, it's good that you've found your own female to protect and love. Remember son, you have to be patient and understanding in your mate's need. I wish you well my son" my father tap my shoulder and gave me something on my hand.

I look at it and gasp to the thing that he gave me. I bow my head in gratitude then face my mother who are now crying her eyes out.

"My cub is now all grown up." Sniffing  "follow what your father's said coz what he told you is correct. Be happy my cub" she gives me her blessing and a motherly hug

"Then, i'll be off now" - i bow again to express my gratitude to my parents.

"Wait for me my sweet ellise, well be together again" i sprint my way back to the village.


I flew in my fastest speed to the city. I have to inform his majesty about my sudden resignation before i gather all my possession.

CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now