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I fly to my fastest speed so i could arrive to the city in no time. The earlier i finish this task, the more time i could spend with ellise.

She entrusted me with this task because she herself knew how capable i am as a mate. Even though we're still not mated but the thing called "trust" and the tempting offer is what made me excited. Just wait and see, i will be ellise favorite mate out of them all after this.

First off, i have to locate that tiger, "tsk! This is annoying! I don't know what ellise saw in that damage male.. atleast his not worthy to be my opponent for my mate's attention and affection." I smirk thinking that I have the big advantage when it comes to physical attribution. Even though his strength is much stronger than I am but I can fight him head on despite our strength difference.

With my great sight as an eagleman, I saw the city walls up ahead and flap my wings rigorously.

I went inside and start my search for that tiger. It took me an hour just to locate him. He was just entering the city with his prey in his mouth.

I flew in his direction and morph 10 meters away from him ..just a safe distance Incase of a surprise attack from him. Better to be safe than never.

"Winston" I called him

Winston gaze at me then drop his prey as he turns himself to a man. He looks at me cautiously but still ask.

"Yes, what do you want?" He answered

"My mate wants to invite you" I replied nonchalantly but look at him up and down just to see and understand what my mate saw in him.

"Your mate? Tell her I'm busy and If your mate is planning to make me her guardian, ..tell her that I refuse" he blatantly refuse while picking up his prey and starts walking away ignoring my shock reaction with his answer.

"Damn it! I thought this task would be easy ...." I cursed myself for underestimating my opponent.

I followed him until we came to the tiger's territory.

He stops on his track and face me with an annoyed expression.

"What do you want?!" He snaps at me irritated with his 4 mark pressure coercing me.

"She wants you to be her mate" I replied to him with my poker face.

He was taken aback by my response. "What?! Repeat that again ..." Disbelief was written all over his face and you could hear the shock on his voice.

"She wants you to be her mate, do you accept or not? Don't waste my time if you don't want it! If you want you can follow me back, if you don't...well, it's your loss" I told him , irritation lace in my voice.

Winston took a minute to digest what I told him and he look at me dead in the eye and ask again with determination and clarification, not believing what I just said awhile ago.

"Are you sure that your mate is  looking for me? She might be mistaken me with another tiger.." he answers me in a shaky voice, a sad with longing eyes expecting what I just told him were real.

"Whatever! If you don't trust my word, so be it! I'll be going now.. less opponent, less competition ." I replied but I mumble the last words that I said. I walk smugly expecting that the tiger would decline the offer again.

I'll just tell ellise that this punk decline her invitation and that his not worth it.

I was immerse in my own thoughts that I didn't hear his reply that he accepted the proposal and he would join me to return to the village.



"Iiiiiimmm bored!!! you know how bored I am right now? Ugh.." I singsong my frustrations for a couple of minutes just to express and  annoy my mate who's now responsible for my confinement.

"You have to rest babe" Harvey replied simultaneously to my whining while sorting his herbs right next to our bed.

"You know what?!, your so annoying ..." I pout while crisscrossing my arms.

It's ok to stay put up inside if there's any entertainment to distract me but no, my phone is dead batt, all my men are busy except Harvey of course and most of all, I am now under house arrest.

"Damn!.." I was pissed AF thinking I'm going insane with this boredom. Who wouldn't? there's no internet, no books....just plain nada ...

Sighing " babe, can you please leave what you are doing...  "pouting" ...I need you right now " I gaze at him with an accusing look for ignoring me despite all my whining and tantrums" due to boredom but still stretch my hands doing grabby gesture towards him.

I am now became certified clingy with my men but they do love it.

He look at me, then he put down the herbs on the basket and wash his hands.

He place his hands on my stomach instinctively while saying "I'm sorry babe, but you have to put up for this for now, be patient and take this time to recuperate your body and for our cubs. So, what do you want to eat? meat or fruits?..while caressing my stomach with tenderness.

"Speaking of foods..... I'm craving for rice right now babe..." I look at him with my expectant eyes .

"You know, I already told Curtis about this but I think he must have forgotten about it" I became upset thinking about it.

"Don't be sad babe, I'll go find shuu instead and let him buy the rice in the sheep village.

"Ok, that'll do! but be quick....just don't let me wait for too long.ok?!" I answered him enthusiastically knowing I'll be eating rice for the first time in this world.

Harvey went outside immediately to search for my Habibi.

"Now that I'm alone again, Muir must have arrive on the city by now.. I hope his safe and find Winston quickly with no hitch. I do hope we're not to late to recruit that hunk in my harem.. sigh! oh well, no rush.. I'll just take this time to think how to approach my men to find a safe haven not just for the upcoming rainy seasons but for my family. I really do need Winston for this type of work and expertise. If he already decided to be a guardian for qingqing, I don't know what to think and feel but one thing is for sure..I would be devastated and heartbroken for the first time here in beast world. It would be a huge loss on my part and I mean, his my fave character out of all men in the book. He was sweet, responsible, handsome, his sooo manly and most importantly he has a "big" asset down there.

Imagine Winston dancing sexy dance in front of me?! Oh! My! Freakin' G!! that would be so hot and drool worthy !! (Fanning my myself)

This pervert thoughts of mine is making me horny. Dang it! Why is my men taking so long ...( Only 5 minutes have passed).......

"This won't do! This boredom is killing me and besides I do feel fine, and they only told me not to go outside but not on the bed" I mumble to myself in assurance.

I hop out in our makeshift bed and do a little stretching just to ease the tension in my body.

I have to charge my phone first, do some light cleaning here and there, and satisfy my babies hunger. I rummage my bag for anything to eat and check the remaining supplies that I save.

I took the last bar of snicker and starts munching it with delight.

"See you soon my Winston" I look at the window with excitement.

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