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Curtis just hiss at harvey for interrupting our moment but harvey just roll his eyes at his displease reaction. I smirk at their interaction but oh well.. all is well now .. let's get down to my future business here in beastworld.

I touch their arms to catch their attention and said " hey guys, what do you think about travelling? I what to roam this world together with you all but my knowledge is too limited only on the story. I want to explore and investigate if there's any traces of my race except me and qingqing being transported here in beastworld.So what do you guys think??

"Way too dangerous babe, your safety is our top priority now and our future cubs." Harvey murmurs

I flinched at the mention of cubs.. wait a minute ..speaking of cubs ..i do know that their little tadpoles were top notch, 5 days have past after me and harvey mated, imma let him check me afterwards

"The wet and cold seasons are now fast approaching. We have to stock foods for our consumption and don't forget, curtis here cannot protect you during cold season coz that's the time for him to hibernate. I myself, do know my strength limitations, i don't want to put you in dangerous situation also. For example, if i hunt leaving you alone, i can't imagine the circumstances would happen after i left you and i won't concentrate hunting knowing that your all alone at our home." Harvey told us factually.

Curtis look concern at me debating whether to forgo my plans or not. How do i know? It's all written all over his face. But rationality still prevails.

"Yes lise, we have to keep you safe first. What about this, let's find a suitable place for us to live temporarily until cold seasons end then we travel. What do you think? Curtis suggested.

I look sadly at them especially curtis, i totally forgot that snakes hibernate on cold seasons. Sighing, but i want to see and experience this world first hand. Pouting, my bad habit would be the death of me someday. I know full well their concerns, but me being hard headed itself wouldn't accept defeat. I quite like curtis suggestion, the phenomenon here were terrible especially the hail storm. A light bulb suddenly lighted.

I look at them smiling and making my cute stance which earn me a infatuated growl and hiss on my side. I acted coquettishly while saying.

I pull harvey on our side, it's like this, me sitting on curtis coils and harvey on my right side.

"I do have an idea, can i take 3 awesome males as my mates?pweeeeeaassseeee... Doing puppy dog eyes

Both my males was stunned by my stunt

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Both my males was stunned by my stunt. They became speechless by my suggestion but i think harvey might consider it unlike certain someone who's jealousy were now evident on his face.

CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now