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It's been 4 days after our "eventful" encounter with eudora. You see, after Eudora and her lackeys were out of sight, depressed atmosphere took place in our group especially my mates and shuu. Both my mates were jealous and unhappy of what i did but i defended myself by using my ultimate weapon (💋) and will power just to coax them to normalcy again. I also kiss shuu as a "thank you" on his cheek for his gift this morning. That cheers them up. We return to the hut while enjoying our stroll home.


Nothing exciting happen this past few days, just same old, same old routine with the addition of muir and shuu bringing me gifts and chill but not until this morning. I was cuddling my sexy cat when i felt dizzy all of a sudden. I stop petting harvey's head which make him look at me.

"Why do i feel .....blllaaaag.." I uttered before i passed out.

I woke up feeling groggy and weak. I thought to myself"wait? did i fainted just now? How long was i out? I do hope that i'm pregnant with cubs/egg rather than normal baby. I'm a mom of 2 so i already feel and knew how taxing it is to raise a child in this world and most importantly, there are no vaccines to fight for any kinds infections."

I frown and scrunch my nose in disgust when i smell something unpleasant wafted in the air.

I search were that bad smell came from until i saw my smiling mate cradling tray of foods and water.

I cover my nose and mouth as the smell became stronger as he walk closer to me. My head started to ache then gag when he put the roasted short bird infront of me.

"get this food away from me babe, i can't stand the smelllll.......uuuuwaaaa!    I puke on our blanket. ( i tried man!! I tried to hold it in but ...DAMN! )

He quickly took the foods away and hand me the water instead. It ease my nausea a little bit. He swiftly change the hide that have been contaminated to a new one.

"Feel better? Harvey ask me while assessing me up and down.

"Kinda," i replied to him softly.

"Your pregnancy symptoms are now showing up and i did my examination to you while your unconscious in which i finally confirm the father and gender of our cubs babe"he inform me with happiness on his eyes.

"What is it babe? Is it yours or curtis? Btw, did you already inform curtis about this? I ask in my expectant voice

"Not yet, he was enrage a while ago when he saw you unconscious in my arms. I told him what happened which subsided his killing intent slightly and inform him that it was also your pregnancy symptoms that acting up which help me in my case. " he sigh reminiscing his struggle to pacify an angry snake.

"So, what about our cub? I mean CUBS ..Did something happen to them?please tell me there's nothing wrong.." i ask worryingly for my unborn children

"Our CUBS were ok babe," he hintedly told me

"Cut the crap babe! Tell me straight already! I'm freaking out as you can see.."I voice out my frustrations to his roundabout.

He chuckles and tap my nose, "let's wait for curtis, it's better that we're together when i reveal about the situation of our cubs.."

"Where the hell is he anyway?! I angrily ask him

CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now