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Today i was being summon by the Leopard King way to early for my liking. I just came back from patrolling and my weary body are now screaming for rest. I grumpily shift to my eagle form and fly to the castle.

When i entered the castle, i saw 4 of my brothers and 5 familiar beastmen chatting with one another. I went to them and found out they've been summon by the king also.

Another beastman came. Surprise by this late comer, it was shuu,the 2nd prince of the wolf clan. He did not come to us but maintain a hearing distance.

A guard invited them to the throne room,leaving only me and shuu. Another guard came and lead us to a different room were the leopard king is waiting.

He look at us then spoke"Let's wait for my guest to arrive"

We didn't wait long until his guest enter the room.

The king starts to talk and he ordered us to introduce ourselves then left after that.

Our talk didn't last that long as the leopard were in a hurry to return.

We travel late noon nonstop until we reach the village. Harvey introduces the team that are responsible to investigate Prince Parker female abduction to the chieftain and left hurriedly with us following him.

We arrive at their hut and waited outside for his female to come out. Suddenly he dash out of the hut in excitement and run on the back then shift in his orc form. He called his mate's name then it hit me, a very gorgeous female was now running towards us with open arms. Both me and shuu were dumbstruck how beautiful and affectionate she is with her mate. You could see her concerns and love for her mate's well being. I felt envious for the her mates, how lucky they are for having such a rare female to mate. I smiled at her reactions when she heard that we came to meet her personally.

Me and shuu couldn't hold our chuckles any longer. I see her peeking then her eyes went wide when she saw us. The feral immediately went to her side then possessively hug her while eyeing us cautiously.

"So that's her feral mate. His stronger than i thought. If we fight now, i'll be beaten black and blue by him." I thought to myself.

"Hi" - ellise shyly greeted us then hide her face on his mate's chest.

"Uhm, guys? You better cover yourself first" she shyly reminded us of our nakedness right now.

We quickly put our loincloth to cover our proud asset.


My face is now redder than everI reminded them with my "PUREST"  intention but my dirty eyes betray me

"DAMN! HUGE AND LONG! That's definitely an A+ for me. I mean , i'm sad now that thay covered it up but DAMN! ( can't help to curse myself again) If i get this men into my collection, i'll be jumping up and down in joy, i mean how blessed i am ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨" i thought to myself while stealing glances at them.

Curtis cover my eyes knowing I'm eyeing the men with interest.

"Love, what the heck?!" I glare at him while moving his hand away.

"Your drooling" curtis told me seriously.

"Wait what?! Hontōni?" i swiftly wipe my mouth for any evidence but realizes that I've been trick by him.

I pout looking at him. "NO CUDDLING FOR YOU TODAY." i softly told him, afraid that our little quarrel would be heard by our guests.

I try to wiggle my way out in his clutches but to no avail.

CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now