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Both males got scared when they saw the blood on my nose.

"Are you okay?" Both males ask the same question.

Muir came to my side nervously while eyeing what to do to my situation.

I dismiss them with my ok hand gesture while tilting my head upward.

"Don't worry, it's just nosebleed, no biggie" i told them acting like it's nothing but the truth is i'm dying inside of embarrassment.

"Damn self! Damn nosebleed! Why?! Why of all time?! Now i'm too shy to face winston" i thought to myself

I clipped my nose to prevent blood from spilling on my nose again. I wiped my nose with the hide provided by muir whereas winston stood still with his face full of shock and worry.

"Hon, go get me cold water quick! While you're at it..soak this cloth on and give it to me after" i didn't look at muir but ask him to do things for me.

Muir didn't hesitate to obey me and quickly took action on what I had asked him to do.

I have to cool off this heat that causes this embarrassment and to ease the men who are now looking at me like a lost puppy face full of worries.

"Aaww! Their expression right now is to die for. Both male have their own uniqueness of physical appearance and it makes my eyes twinkle looking at them. My visage as a strong independent woman with a little bit of fickleness and a pinch of shamelessness are now crumbling.

"Compose yourself woman! Have you forgotten what happened to you just now?! Sheesh!" This internal conflict is now my daily occurrence whether to fight the urge or to act to my impulsiveness again.

Being a fan, It takes a lot of courage, dedication and discipline not to jump or do something foolish especially to my bias winston. I don't wanna scare this man away because of my craziness just to express my undying devotion to him ... I mean .. that's WINSTON were talking about.

Slick white shoulder length hair, a very pact body with 8 yummilicious abs a-and ugh! Everything about him is perfect. Call me biased.. but IT IS WHAT IT IS ..

I may express my favoritism but just for today. I'm afraid if i'll show it everyday, the result would be disastrous and it would affect my pursuit of man hunting to my harem.

Muir came with a cup of water together with the wet cloth. I took the cloth and put it on the top of my head while leaning to muir's body for support. Quietness emerges to all of us.

The body inspections were thoroughly conducted and it proves that my taste in men was exceptional.

Nevermind that scene about me bleeding but instead they showed how they care about me. They couldn't care about something trivial like that.

I muster my courage to break the silence with me initiating the conversation.

"You know, I'm really glad that you accepted my proposal winston. I was very nervous at first and you know, as you can see i'm pregnant and my pregnancy hormones were not helping at all as my mind wonder off to who knows where and whatnots ... But it's good that all my what if were answered with you being here personally." I told him with me giving him a grateful smile.

I thought muir would act as a psycho to winston as he had a record as far as i know in the novel. He would act accordingly to his whim and advantage. To top it all off, he would do something like sabotage or entice winston to decline my offer. He may be sweet and flirty in front of me but he was way too dangerously indifferent and competitive to others.

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