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"Hey harvey, you awake?" He just purr as his answer.

"Can you change into your orc form for now so we could talk. I have to tell you something important."

He shifted and wore his hide skirt immediately. He sat beside me so we could talk properly.

"I know it may sound weird to you what I'm about to confess and heck it's not even a day i know you ...BUT! i trust you that you'll gonna keep this secret of mine for my own protection and also for my future males."

I can see his determination and sincerity in his eyes that he would keep this secret to himself and nodded his head for agreement without a thought for his own safety.

Sigh! This guy really is ...i don't know what to say about him i that trustworthy or he just a simpleton .. i don't know what to say but still grateful for the trust.

"Im not from this world.. i live on a world name earth. We earthlings called our race human were the ratio of both male and female were equal. We live in a monogamous environment where we only have 1 male and can produce an offspring anytime due to our impressive fertility. We experience estrous or so we called it period every month."

Harvey was stunned speechless and took a long moment to process the information about me. He didn't stop my dialogue so i could explain it to him without interruptions.

"Before i got transported into this world, I was a married female with 2 kids already..i mean cubs rather. He was my first love, my everything and my other half. I know this may sound cliche to you but I'm telling you the truth. This world is new to me and i am still adjusting. Heck! It's not even a day where i got transmigirated here. Frankly speaking, I really need someone who can guide me, support me and be knowledgeable enough about this world. Can you help me harvey? I know.. I'm being selfish for asking you this but I'm being desperate right now. Please?"

Harvey stared blankly at me due to the overwhelming revelation and that he thought to himself that ellise should find more males for her own protection. Her beauty and kindness are one thing but her other secrets are way too heavy to carry alone.

"We should find you stronger males ellise. This world is not safe for a female like you that considered rare in the first place. It might be better if you choose stronger and reliable males as a mate. We may travel to beast city if you want a stronger mates, that is. The stronger the male, the better for your own protection and security."

"I know harvey, that's why i told you everything. Besides, two heads are better than one!."

"Uhm! Ellise,i know it may sound inappropriate to our conversation but i have to take this opportunity to express my willingness to help you out in everything that you desire and offer my guardianship.. if you don't mind."

I was shocked that my eyes bulged and my mouth forming an "O" to the sudden confession of a certain kitty cat.

"Guardianship???" I tilted my head in confusion. (He still doesn't know my OPLAN SEDUCTION TO MEN)..

"Yes ellise! I would like to offer myself as your guardian until you find yourself a male."

He really looks serious on what he says.. well my dear kitty cat .. don't cha worry, this mama would take your offer not as my guardian but my male.

YES! you heard it right. I ellise will take this beastman as my man. But before i answer his confession, lemme tease this fluff..just a tiny, little bit of tease.

"My guardian?? But I don't want to." Doing puppy dog eyes, pouting and acting the cutest aegyo that i could ever muster.

He was stunned for a minute and there's the blush appear that i've been waiting for.

"Before i forget, this is very important,, this may sound ridiculous but i read your world in a certain novel that contains and speaks about you's a long story...soo?? you wanna hear it??"

I piqued his interest and he nodded.

"I would listen to you even if it takes us until morning. I would give my time and attention just to you. So go ahead! Im all ears" respond harvey

"Thank you harvey for your time and attention.. so buckled up! It may take us the whole night just to finish this one."

We talked, well it's only me talking while he listens to the story about them, the events that might occur in the future, who are the main casts and so on and so forth..blllaaahhh blahh blahhh

I clarified that im not included in the story casting but im just another variable who might detour (wink,wink) the fate of other casting. Back to the question of the certain someone.

I clear my throat due to excessive talking. He stood up to fetch me some drinkable water and gave it to me. I gulp it down in one go.

"Hmm, that felt good! Thanks harvey!"

"Now that you hear the story, what do you think about it?" I ask him

"I pity myself for being a fool 'bout dreaming and expecting to be accepted by a female to which resulted to the extent that i expose her own daughter in a perilous situation." His ears drooped and you could feel negative emotion swirling around him.

I took my phone in my bag and scrolled for the best music suited to the mood right now.(PLAY: LEAVES by ben and ben)

I took his hands on me. I put his other hands on my waist (his face blush immediately) he shyly looks at me while i snake my hands on his neck and starts dancing. His awkward at first but as the time went by, he got the gist of it and started swaying to the rhythm.


"Yes elle?"

"I don't want you to be my guardian. I want you to be my mate. Do you accept to be my first mate?

He was frozen shock, His mind went blank and his breath got stuck on his throat. He stands there for like a minute and starts jumping like he had won a lottery.

Aaawww (heart,heart) his really cute!

"Uhm.. ok! I'll be in your care then" i smile lovingly at him.

I peek at my phone for time check and was shocked to know that we stayed all night and it's already 4 o'clock in the morning.

DAMNNNN!! at least our heart to heart talk has been a success and HELLO for another crazy day here in the world of beast.

Harvey and i returned to our bed with new status as mates. We settled in our comfortable position (making harvey's arm my pillow while hugging him), sleep consumes us immediately.

Hello guys!!

Hope you're having a great day!!

Please excuse my grammar and other misspelled words 'coz im not good in writing and english is not my first language. I'm still in a novice stage. That's all!!! Byyeeeeeeeee!!

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