CHAPTER 31 - (chilly_sauce)

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I got the privilege to be with ellise today. As i am incharge of accompanying and protecting her while the others are busy completing their work.

"shuu,? Can you lend me a hand.. we have to pile this ash into this pot. I'm gonna use it to make lye for my soap project." ellise spoke in her gentle voice

"What is a soap? I ask her

"Well, a soap is a thing that use to wash the dirt and grime in our body or anything that requires to be cleaned. I need it to clean myself to look good, smell good and look neat for my mates. You can see how different i am with other female, right? That's why, it is very essential not only for me but for us to use soap in our daily basis. We could also use it to wash our loincloths and hides." She respond in a lecture tone while collecting the ashes into the pot.

"Is that so, are we making soap right now? I ask her eagerly as I don't have any idea what this soap looks like.

I grab her hand stopping her from collecting ashes any further. She look at me quizzily.

"Let me handle this one mate. You might hurt your hand in the process. There might be embers left and burn your hand. I can't handle if you got hurt because i let you do it. Go sit in the corner my beautiful mate and let me take care of that." i carry her away from the fireplace then put her down in a clean floor.

She pouted in dissatisfaction and started to grumble "I'm not that fragile shuu..besides i want to help you guys too. I can't stand doing nothing while you guys are doing everything for our family.. and my materials needed to make soap are still incomplete. For now, i have this ashes to collect first." She gaze at me with her pitying eyes.

I became flustered immediately! I look away then cleared my throat "ok, just don't strain yourself to much". I told her.

She squealed and gave me a peck on the cheek in excitement.

"Aye! Aye captain!! Thank you my handsome habibi, don't worry i won't tire myself out too much. I'll just do some menial cleaning here and there. No biggie!" She gave me a toothy grin then started to look around to make herself busy.

I shook my head from her cuteness.

"Shuu, have you seen this tree anywhere near here? (Proceed to draw on the floor using coal)

"I do mate, do you want me to get this for you" i giddily ask her. Doing errands for her is like giving me an impression that i'm also needed.

"Yeah, i really need it to make a broom out of it's leaves. In my world, it was called coconut tree or palm tree. Actually, we can go together and see it for myself if it really was the tree i was looking for." She said it in her pleased tone with her plan.

I gave her a doubtful look.

"Oh come on! It's not like were gonna elope and leave the others behind. (She came closer to me and wrap her hands around my waist) if we leave now, we can surely return early too. I have to check the tree myself coz i'm planning to make vinegar or oil using that tree" she matter-of-factly explain her plan to me.

I intensely look at her but sigh in defeat.

"Ok! Let's go..the earlier the better we finish this! But promise me that you have to stick to my side at all cost and don't go snoop around while im busy. " i morph into my wolf and she eagerly climb on my back with her agreeing to my arrangement.

I ran for around 10 minutes until we saw the first tree that she seek. How do i know? Ellise herself is pulling my fur with excitement while pointing to the tree.

I morph again into my orc form without the intention of covering myself infront of her.

Flustered! That is what her reaction to my nakedness. She cough to hide her embarrassment but still stare at me with her sultry eyes.

"How unfair god is, you guys were like gods sculpted in perfection. How envious.." she said admiringly while closing the gap between us.

"You know what shuu, i really like you! Your so cute that i want to squish that cheeks of yours." She wrap her arms around my neck then kiss me suddenly.

I was dumbstruck at first but respond to her kiss with vigor after regaining my composure.

Her arousal were so strong that it drives me crazy to take her right now.

Our heated kiss lasted for a few minutes until she broke free first to breathe.

I took this opportunity to kiss her neck with my hands started in roaming around her body. Feeling her curves, her skin and softness.

I guide and lean her to the tree while i continue my ministrations toward her.

I easily remove her top then give her lips a deep smooch then took her peaks to my mouth.

"Your so beautiful my ellise" i murmur while twirling her bud with my tongue.

"Aaaaahhh!! Uhhmmm shhhhuu... we can't... " She moan seductively as she comb my hair with her hand.

"Ssshhh, let's just enjoy this moment" i told her as my mind were now clouded with lust

I release her skirt in her waist then her inner cloth while she arch her back to give me more access to her peaks.

I caress her legs with my other hand while the other massages her chest.

I make my way to her core that are now wet due to her arousal. I kiss the sides of her legs then start licking her core with relish.

".aahhh, ahhh! That's it shuu, ugh..yes.. .deeper shuu! ..aaahhh! ..i want your dick now shuu... don't tease me no more" she spoke in her lustful voice with urgency.

"Ok" i lifted her right leg then align myself to her center and thrust in one swift move.

She gasped but recover immediately. "So big" she commented.

I plunge my shaft into her core repeatedly. I cup her ass then lift her other legs for a better penetration into her.

I groan in euphoria. "So this is what it feels like to have your own female. No wonder that mated males became fools for their mate and acted that way they don't normally do. This is so amazing and exhilarating feeling." I thought to myself. Happy that I've been given this chance to be with her "ALONE".

"Yes my habibi! Ahhh that's it! Right there! Fuxk me! Fuxk me hard." She groan and moan at the same time

I put her down then she bend down showcasing her core infront of me. I gulp then plunge my length again and again with renewed energy inside of her.

Unbeknownst to the two, there was someone watching and enjoying his time to the front row seat that is happening right now.

"I like the voice of this female ..when she cuss and moan. Aahhh at!! I wonder if she moan like that if i take her too ..I really like her! I'll snatch her away from her mate after this. I kinda like this show right now" a mysterious beastman murmur in the shadow.

"This female is MINE" his eyes glint in determination.

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