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As im nearing our hut, i hear my sweet mate's laughter inside. I frown when i smell her suitors scent together with her. It displeases me! No, it irks me to the point of killing them but rationality for her safety still prevail above all else.

I went inside, ignoring the other gazes but focuses only to my mate. I place my prey on the floor and went straight to her side offering the fruits i collected.

"Welcome home love, how was the hunt?" ellise ask me kissing my cheek and a tight hug as a greeting.

"ahhh! I really love this moment like when returning home from the hunt and ellise would welcome me home warmly. I can live with this forever" I thought to myself while grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"It was good love, here's the fruit you've requested. I scour and tasted every fruit that i saw and check if its sour or not. That's why it took longer for me to return home and don't worry! there not poisonous." I confidently told her in my arms.

"yay! Thank you love, your the best! Ellise praise me with sparkled eyes.

She sniff the fruits and you could see the drool in the corner of her lips then start munching it.

"Babe, i need to pee" ellise wriggle out and run to her designated wood pot to relieve.

"Curtis, were running out of salt" harvey whispers to me

"Just a Rough guess, How long do you think it would last?I frown while asking him

"Not for long, 2 or 3 days at most. i think we should go to beast city during the market day. We could buy our refill there and buy her what she needs and wants. What do you think?" Harvey suggested a plan to me which i find it good.

I nodded in agreement. "Let's go 2 days from now. I'll hunt more so we could use the hides to exchange items. " I responded to him.

Eyeing our mate's who's walking back, she plop herself in my coils and gaze at us suspiciously.

"What was that love? What did harvey whispers to you just now? Are you guys hiding something from me? She had her hand on her jaw while looking at us with slit eyes.

I chuckles. "Nonsense love, were just talking" i tease her

"Oh really, so you guys like to talk like that? Then, what did you two talk then ?? She question in her gossipy look.

"Well, were running out of salt and we decided to visit the beast city to trade some hides in exchange for salt. Harvey himself would go there 2 days from now to handle the exchange and purchase. And..." i pause just to arouse her curiosity more.

"And? ..and ?? ..what is it?? she ask repeatedly as she held my hand.

"Do you want to come and visit the city? I ask her

"Really! But ....." She paused and frown

"Don't crease your brows like that, it doesn't suit you love. It should be like this" i use my fingers to make a smiling face.

"But i don't want to see the ape king.. you know how sly that monkey is" she grumbled under her breath.

"So, is that a no? i raise my eyebrows to ask her again.

"I'll go! just this time. I have to see how the city look like in person before it collapses and hear some news about qingqing as well." She replied with certain.

"Ok" i pulled her against me and gave her a peck.

She gave me toothy grin and make her self comfortable.


I make myself comfy in the arms of my man until an idea pops into my head.

"Hey love, if you retrieve any of your crystals sometime soon, can you find a good spot to live temporary before the drizzle season come. I don't wanna stay in this place when that time comes." I told him remembering how this place been wash off by flood.

"Ok, i'll go search after we visit the city. Im confident that they'll protect you despite my absence." He agreed with a pinch of indulgent in his voice.

Meanwhile, shuu and muir listens to the conversation of their mate and curtis.

"Maybe, i'll convince ellise to visit my parents while we're there in the city." shuu excitedly thought to himself

"I'll use this time to entice ellise, so that she would choose me to carry her to the city" muir smirk thinking that his plan will be foolproof.

As the four of us were busy in our own world, harvey were busy preparing for our early dinner.

I went to him and offer a helping hand.

"Do you need help babe?"

"I'm good babe, i can manage this simple task" he smiled gently at me.

"Are you sure?

"Yes, now go and rest, " he shoo'd me away in the kitchen.

I went to shuu's side instead.

"Hey habibi," i sit beside him and tap my legs motioning for him to lay down.

Shuu being as cute as ever look at me confuse. His brain lagged just for a few minutes before he understands what my gestures meant.

He became high spirited as his tail wagged vigorously.

He lay his head on my lap and I start to pet his head and play his ear as well. I glance at muir who's face are now full of vinegar.

"Come here honey, i'll lend my other leg for you." I wave at him which he gladly accepted my invitation.

I now have two heads lying on my lap enjoying the luxury of petting.

"Ellise, dinners ready! Come check if it suits your taste this time!" Harvey called me first. He knew my how picky my appetite this days.

Curtis hunted 3 rabbits, 1 wild tiger and 1 deer. Harvey made a rabbit soup, roasted tiger and grilled deer.

I look at the foods prepared, i scoop the soup first and tasted it. I waited a few seconds before i run to the door to puke.

Harvey came to my side holding water for me to drink. He caress my back while i do my ritual in feeding the earth with my disgusting essence.

"No rabbit soup then," i wipe my mouth and take the water on harvey's hand.

"Thanks babe, i'll stick with the fruits for now" i told him while guiding me back inside.

" I'm sorry guys for that unsightly show, my daughters are being picky on their foods" i jokingly commented just to ease the tension of their worry.

"Are you sure mate? You look pale after you vomit. What do you want to eat? What does our cub likes that it doesn't make you gag? Shuu voice out his concern for me.

" they love fruits, any fruits will do but they much prefer the sour ones." I told them knowing they have the same question at heart.

Muir stands abruptly.

"Muir? Where are you going? I question him knowing his answer would be the same to what i was thinking.

" To find you fruits, of course" he candidly replied.

"Leave it for tomorrow, we are having family dinner and besides, curtis brought me lots of fruits of my liking today. So, eat first" i urge him to sit down and he oblige.

"Now boys, i know your worried about me but don't push yourself to that much. How about this, you boys talk to each other the division of work and assign each one of you their role in our family. Rotation of work would be nice too" i suggested to them while eyeing each one of them.

"Ok" curtis was the first one to react.

I think curtis is now acting as my head male in the family.

CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now