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Composing myself and pretending like there's nothing happen is one of my hidden talent to conceal my shameful act just now. I use my make up just to hide my swollen eyes from crying. I need my starbucks in times like this.

"The aroma of coffee in the morning, the take away foods and pizza. How i terribly miss earth foods soo freaking much." I can't help myself from drooling but quickly refrain myself from thinking before i loose my shit again.

A growling sound reminded me that i haven't eaten anything yet.

With their super keen hearing, harvey came with a grilled beef and a plate full of fruits. Yum!

"Thanks babe!" I started to devour my food in unladylike manner. (Who cares! This woman is starving and i have cubs to feed now)

My mood became good after i fill my stomach to the brim.

"I'm ready!! Let's go! " i happily told my mates while urging them to move.

Curtis became my carrier as he insisted to be one despite my reluctance. They started walking to the village. (Well, technically only them are walking while me, well, just here sitting pretty on curtis yummilicious arm) (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)

"Just this morning babe, shuu and muir appear on our hut and brought you some meat and fruits as gifts" harvey reminded me about them.

Curtis frown and looks at harvey with annoyance.

"Oohhh, really? That's nice..Where are they then?" I ask cheerily while scanning around looking for them.

As if on cue, they appeared on their majestic beast form.

"wooh!! " i gasped in amazement.

"So huge and fluffy!! I mean pretty..So huge and pretty"  i corrected myself and continue admiring their form. I tap curtis shoulder to let me down and he unwillingly oblige.

"Hey, what's up guys? Good morning!!" I walk to them with excitement.

They shifted to their orc form which stop me from coming over.

"*cough! cough!* you better cover yourself first " i shyly turn my head away from them.

They heed my order with no complaints in which it added good points to their acceptance score board.

"Good morning to you too ellise, you look stunning today, have you eaten the fruits i gave you? - shuu asked eagerly.

"Ohh! The fruits..yes of course! Thanks for that. It was delicious " i respond to him with the same enthusiasm.

"What about mine,ellise? Have you eaten the meat i gave you? I flew very early just to capture you that prey" muir inform me of his share while waiting for me to compliment his achievement.

My lips twitches with his remark but i let it slide. I ain't stingy when giving compliments when they've done something good and praiseworthy.

"Good job to you too muir, the meat was very tasty and yummy, hopefully i can eat something like that again in the future" i told him honestly and wink at his direction.

Muir nodded energically with my request and compliment.

"Come along now babe, you don't want your first visit to end early, won't you? " harvey mutters to the side, jealousy were evident in his voice.

"Ok, I'm coming babe..My mates are giving me exclusive village tour today, wanna come? I invited both of them and they didn't disappoint me with their answer

As we came closer to the village, more residents were seen doing who-knows-what on the side of the road. We walk a little further until a screeching sound came from back. An unexpected...ok! Scratch that ..expected female together with her lackeys came to our group.

"Where did this disgusting ugly female come from? You there! Be my mate (pointing to muir) i'll be having my estrous soon, if you want, i can give cubs if you choose to mate with me " eudora state her obvious to my males.

"Excuse me?!Who are you? And who gave you the right to order whoever you pleases to mate?! " i ask annoyed

"I am Eudora, the most desirable and the most beautiful female here in the village." She confidently introduces herself.

"And who are you to question my choices. I'm telling this male to be my mate and it his own luck that i choose him.. so back off! You ugly, unwanted female" she added ..

"I am Ellise, the proud mate of my sexy healer harvey, my handsome snake curtis and the "PROUD" female that being pursue by this two amazing males" i retorted back to her with confidence.

"Ha! Such an unwanted female! How pathetic can you be? Are you that desperate to mate to a weakling like harvey and on top of that, a feral? How disgusting! Tsk!" She rebuke to me again.

I look at the girl with a devilish smile."She looks cute in her own way but a major make over and a bath would be nice to transform this lady into a beauty but alas! this bitxh is getting into my nerves. What does she think she is? Gold?  " I angrily thought to myself.

--Curtis and harvey felt extreme emotion thru their bond with ellise. They knew how pissed their mate is right now.---

I walk my way to muir and wrap my arms to his waist to show how i defend my territory to an outsider like Eudora.

Muir became immobile and mouth gaping at my boldness. Surprise were evident not only to him but to all my spectators who's watching.

I boldly run my hands to his chest while looking at Eudora.

"This male right here is already off limits Eudora, go scratch your itch somewhere,FAR FAR AWAY FROM ME AND MY MEN" i mischievously retorted and proudly claim my males.

" You don't have right to claim him as yours when you don't even bear his mark "eudora spat out to me.

"That's correct, but you see, i already claim him as my own." I teasingly caress muir lips while replying to her

"You ugly female! Let him go! Such disgusting female has no right to mate a strong beastman like him" she retorted.

"Ugly? Disgusting? Am i muir?? I coquettishly run my hands again into his chest while asking him that question.

"I i-i * ahem!* no, their wrong! Your the most beautiful and have this amazing aromatic scent that i ever smell(cue sniffing my neck)" muir replied in his flustered tone.

I look at eudora provokingly, "see!! *giggles* even my male disagree to what you said. Sighing, Look! don't provoke me baby girl, i'm different when I'm angry, so better back off before my patience ran low." I look at her threateningly.

"Are you threatening me ? Eudora respond in her squeaking voice

"Nothing much, i'm just stating facts here besides....." i stated to her then stood on my toes to give a peck on muir's lips then left him with a dumbfounded expression.

I went to my mates side grinning for my successful execution.

"YOU! YOU!HOW DARE YOU! HMP! YOU BETTER WATCH OUT, WE'RE NOT OVER YET! COME ON! " eudora declared while ushering her mates and lackeys away from us.

"Well, that was exciting" i Clap my hands while jokingly commented

I look at my mates then discovers my mates anomaly after the drama.

It became like this: both harvey and curtis have frown on their faces while shuu gave off a depress atmosphere around him. The most joyful of them all is Muir. I think he still haven't recovered after the kiss (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡

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