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We spent our remaining time, cuddling, kissing and snuggling again until it's time he goes hunting again for our dinner. Ah! Sweet love! So refreshing.,

We spent our three days doing the same routine: harvey goes hunting, forage, doing his healer's duty and coming home with some goods came from his patients as a form of medical payment. As for me, I'm in charge for cooking, helping my mate organize his stash of herbs, and make our little hut homey.

If your wondering why im staying indoor? Well Firstly: i'm an indoor type of person. Secondly, i do love and trust my mate but having other beastman hovering outside our hut is irritating. Thirdly, i only go outside when mother nature calls. And lastly, i do love to spend my quality time with my newly acquired mate.

After we became an official mate, harvey became clingy, possessive lustful leopard. Like for instance, he would stole kisses from me, grope my ass and chest and our simple kiss became an all out make'out session. You'll know the rest afterwards.

Our peaceful days were shattered by a certain someone who's calling my mate's name for help. He banged our door with force which displeases me and my mate for it. Harvey leave my side to answer that spiteful beastman for disturbing our lovey dovey moments.

"Harvey! Harvey! My female is hurt!" still banging on the door.

"Tsk! For the love of god, can your patience be this bad Parker. I'll tell you now if you bang my door one more time and ruin it. your gonna pay for it!"

Shocked by what my kitty cat said "wooh damn!! So damn sexy ..i like how he switch his attitude from sweet to domineering" pretty pretty likey eeeehhh!!

Did he just say Parker?then the female patient that he brought to our hut would be??? Ting! Ting! Ting! Yep! You guess that right! Our lovely, naive and resourceful FL Bai qingqing.

My perverted mind got interrupted by the FL's arrival. Better listen to their conversation than making myself arouse for nothing.

"Hmp! It's just a door! I'll pay you if that's what you want! Help my female first."

"What happen to her?did her face stung by a bee?" he ushered them to go inside.

"No!Her foot is swollen"

My mate told parker to take the female's feet fur off so he could check it. Parker obediently follow harvey's instructions while he himself busy making paste to be used as medication.

I use this time to make my appearance.

"hey babe!" I went to my mate's side and kissed his cheek.

Harvey blushed on my intimate display of affection. "Hey babe! I'm making medicine for her foot. As you can see, she sprain her foot. Here parker, rub this on her foot and start massaging it slowly."

Parker was in a daze! Jealousy evident in his eyes. He never thought that a stripeless beastman like harvey would have a beautiful mate at his side.
Hateful! Hateful! He shakes his head and concentrate on treating qingqing's foot.

I look at the girl who's still on her teenage years. No wonder she attracts calamity wherever she goes.

"Hi! My name ellise, this hot guy mate" (pointing at harvey)

She awkwardly reply "hi! Nice to meet you ellise. Im bai qingqing"

"Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, are those spices?"

"Some of them yes! But most of the herbs here were use as medicine. Why'd you ask?

"Can i have some of them??

Before i answer, parker butted in agreement like he owns the herb that his female wants.

I only sigh and signal to my mate to give them some of the herbs that qingqing wants.

"I'll pay for the medical and medicine fee when i go hunting later" Parker said.

Harvey just nod and wave them off out.

I think my head throbs after i interacted with those two. The AUDACITY!! Ok !! (Gotta breathe before i collapse)

Harvey sense my discomfort and led us to our bed to lie down. He massage my head which earn a moan from me.

"What do you think? After you saw her? Any sparks? Any reactions? I ask him.

"No, i don't feel anything sparks at all if that's what you're worrying about. And besides why would i look for another female if i already have a stunning (kiss on the neck) sexy (kiss) a temptress (kiss) and wonderful mate by my side (turns my face so he could kiss my lips)

I turn my body around so i could kiss him deeply. I appreciate his honesty and openness about his feeling about it. It gives me anxiety thinking that he might change his mind after he saw the FL.

He quickly ends our kiss with me on a dazily state. He sniff my arousal and growl but he suppress his urge for tonight's action. (Just you wait you stupid cat!.i'll have my sweet revenge later for teasing me (Mwahahahah).

Why is it kitty cat becoming more shameless than i am?? I wonder why ??(great teacher on his side).

I feel stress right now. I took my phone and play NUMB LITTLE BUG to ease my throbbing nerve.

I just hum on the first verse coz i didn't know the lyrics but sang on the chorus part that i only knew.

I tightly hug my mate for comfort knowing that his here.. right beside me..only me... Not anyone.. not her ..but ONLY ME. I never knew i got this jealous possessive type of trait. Well.. now i know ..

"Babe, your ONLY MINE OK..mine only got it?!" I told harvey

Harvey was surprised and overjoyed about my possessiveness over him.


awww eyes starts to tearing up and i can't hold it in any longer. My emotions burst like a dam right now and it is wayyy to unstable to understand all of it. All that shit happens since day i died until today. I think my hormones are acting crazy right now.

Harvey wipe my tears understandably and concern flash in his eyes. He just caress my back lovingly without saying a single word. Knowing that im just venting and having a melt down.

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