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I was breathless after we did the deed. Shuu was beaming ear to ear after seeing where his mark is. I follow his gaze but i cannot see due to its placement. He caress his mark with affection then place a kiss on it.

"What does it look like shuu? I ask curiously

" A howling wolf with the same magnificent aura just like me

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" A howling wolf with the same magnificent aura just like me." He proudly describe his mark.

"That's so cool! I wanna see it later when we got home after this." I told him with excitement.

We hurriedly wear our hides despite the sweat and smell of mating emitting both in our body.

Shuu hug me then gave a delighted sniff on my neck.

"You smell like me mate, i really like it" he stated with a teasing tone.

"You stop it, we have to finish this then go home before everyone notices our disappearance and became coocoo because of our unplanned excursion." I inform him while scanning the surroundings.

"Yes yes my habibi, whatever you say is my command" shuu replies in a coaxing and gleeful voice.

"That's my good wolf, so obedient and cute" i praise him while giving pets on his head.

"Now then, do you know how to climb this tree?" I question him tapping the tree itself.

"Of course! Leave it to me" he puff his chest confidently.

"Wow! If that's the case, get me 3 branches of this tree then its fruits also. We can use the ripe or the brownish ones to make an oil out of it." My saliva drips while imagining different foods to make using the oil.

"Got it! Stay here while im busy. Don't roam around and stay safe ok" shuu reminded me before he left.

"Such a naggy wolf" i thought to myself walking myself away from the danger spot.

I look at him but stifle a laugh with his situation.

"Shuu?! I thought you knew how too climb? You look like a monkey or a koala hugging that tree? I teasingly called him

"I do! Just wait for a moment" he responded with red cheeks.

I pick up a stick then start doodling on the soil while humming random tune.

"Hi there beautiful female, i like your moaning just now" i jump in surprise when i heard a whisper in my ear.

"Holymolyfuxkinshiznits!! That scared the shit outta me!! ..who are you?! Oh you.. What a handsome man.."I said while calming my shock nerves and heart but still admire the man infront of me.

"I said while calming my shock nerves and heart but still admire the man infront of me

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CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now