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"About my husband, he was my first love and everything in that world, he took care of us and love us unconditionally. Being on a world of polygamy, was a major shocker to my world views as well but i have to adapt on the situation and learn the ways here for survival. His our sole provider and I'm incharge taking good care of everything in our home. I cook, clean, take good care of my husband's and my kids needs and create a home worth living in it." I choke on my words and sob remembering my family.

They didn't stop me but comfort me with their caress and touch. I wipe my tears away then continued.

"I'm sorry, i can't stop myself from crying but it makes my heart ache knowing that i can't be with them anymore..

( i took deep breathe then still continue my narration of my life).

------------------ end of recap ------------------


As ellise continues her story, i was gobsmack with all the information she shared. Another world? Human? Male doesn't shift? The hell with this?! But i didn't voice out my doubt and confusion as she was in a state were her concentration to share this kind of information is like walking on thin ice, one wrong move/step everything will crumble. I need to know EVERYTHING! everything about her, for our future, what to do and understand her needs and how to keep her safe. I hug her tight while listening to her. She took a deep breath and observe our reaction. She look nervously at us but her other mate, what was his name again. Hemi? Homer? Hansel? Aaahhh! Whoever he is, he just console her that everything is alright that we, her mates will listen to whatever she wants to say and what her plans is, we would be by her side no matter what. She look at me for confirmation as well. I smiled at her and lightly squeeze her side to assure her that what her other mate said is right.

"So, you have a mate and 2 cubs in your world?what are they?your cubs?" I ask her

"My first cub is female, her name is sabby she's 11 and a goofy one - she smiled while reminiscing - she loves to play pranks on us especially her brother, she's the sweetest kid ever, she loves to cuddle, gives kisses and would make your day bright when you're feeling down. My other cub is a male, his name is caleb, his 8 and her big sister little assistant when doing something fishy when they're on good terms. His my husband mini me. What his father loves to do, he would copy it and would pose like his father does" she chuckle

"Sometimes, they would tag team on us, sometimes their pranks would backfire on them that made me laugh my ass off but sometimes they would succeed. Sigh! I just missed them terribly. Their antics and everything. Being a parent is hard, there's perks and everything but i wouldn't trade it for world. They are my world there but now .. she looks at us and smiled .. i'm living a different life and world now, i know this may sound cruel but i have to set my old life go now and live my new life together with you guys. Sometimes i would delve to this memories but now that i think about it, i would still love and cherish them forever in my heart but i have new life now that's been given to me by whoever God's up there. Thankful for this opportunity to be part of the living and having you guys as my mates. You are now my family, nothing else. Hopefully this wound will heal in time and time will tell in our journey." She took our hands lovingly.

"I love you elle" her other mate said (harvey)

"aww !! I love you too harvey and you too curtis. Both of you. Always remember that!" Ellise answered

I looked at ellise with loving eyes, taking her smiling form promising myself to make her happy and keep her safe no matter what.

"Now then, let's talk about the important topic now, let me finish the story before you guys ask. Ok? I might forget something, so don't distract me while talking." She let us know beforehand.

Me and harvey look at each other and nodded in confirmation.

She told us that this world were part of an online story were I'm one of the main male protagonist and 3 others mated to a certain female called Bai qingqing. She narrated the story with vigor on how i became mated, the following events that would transpire and what or who should we avoid in the future. She also told us about a 5th stripe scorpion name St. Zachary reigning on flame city in shadows. As the story progress, my eyebrows furrowed in contemplation, being a 5th stripe has a lot beneficial for me and my mate, she could summon me when she's in danger or needed me anywhere, anytime of the day.

"You and muir were the first to be summon on our world on different location because you reach 5th stripe already then after 6 days, parker and winston finally been summoned. It was 6 years on beastworld but only 6 days on earth have past. The time difference were huge that drives both Winston and parker to insanity waiting to be summoned. Winston reach his 5th stripe 1 year after qingqing disappearance and 3 years for parker. You guys are the progenitor of beastmen on earth based on the story. So yeah! If EVER i'll disappear one day, don't be nervous, im giving you guys a headstart. I don't know my situation on the other side, i may or may not be alive there but atleast i gave you guys important clues what to do in the future.ok! So now, any questions?" She inquire

"You said there's a 5th stripe scorpion living on the flame city that are searching for soul crystal of his mate and choosing a suitable vessel for him and her? Is this true? I ask her

"Well, based on what i read, yeah! He chose your body coz you're already in 5th stripe and qingqing is a beauty that pass to his standard for his mate. So yeah! .. but i do like his son though. His hot (she giggles to herself). Ellise retorted.

I frown and look at my mate giggling to herself thinking to myself how i'm gonna keep this female away from the desert at all cost.


I look at my males who both on their deep thoughts. I swear, both my hands are sweating and i nervously wait for their follow up questions.

"You said earlier that you ruined my predestined future?why is that ?? Curtis inquirely ask me.

"Well, the context of the story is now messed up due to yours truly but curtis, harvey i'm very sorry if i rob you guys the chance to choose your mate due to my selfishness. I'm very sorry" biting my lips and bowed my head in shame.

"Ellise, you don't have to apologize, im very happy to what i am now because of you, becoming your mate is the greatest blessing i receive from beast god itself and you yourself is my greatest treasure. Please remember that! You didn't steal us from her but we also chose to be with you, so don't be sad." Harvey confesses and coax her with sweet words.

"Don't doubt my love for you lise, your mark represent your feelings,how you love and accepted me for who i am. Whoever that girl is or in that story, your all that matters to me now. My beautiful and sweet mate." Curtis kisses my lips passionately.

I respond enthusiastically until a cough interrupted our make out session on the side. I blushed shyly at harvey's direction and smack curtis shoulder guiltily for instigating this make out session of ours.

Hi guys! I'm sorry for the late update and i do apologize if i can't achieve others expectation. This is my first work actually and im not good in writing stories. Im not a professional writer so yeah ..please do excuse some of my grammar and whatnot that are not on place . This is just my free time hobby. That's all! Thanks btw..

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