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Last night, i experience swirls of emotion. Her identity and secrets put me on edge that awaken my inner instinct and possessiveness to protect her. I was so happy that i couldn't express my own happiness about the outcome last night. Not only did I get myself a mate but an amazing female at that. I lovingly gaze at her and felt the exhilarating part knowing that i have my own mate now. We slept very late last night, but memories that we make last night was unforgettable. Her touch still lingers on my skin that sent shivers to my spine with excitement. I make her another hide dress so she could have a spare to change later on. (picture on the top). I left early this morning to go hunting and forage some herbs so i could cook meat using her technique using herbs as spices before she wakes up.

I thank the Beast god for giving me a chance to experience to love someone more than life itself. After i saw her that day,not only she took my breath away but also my purpose of living. She is my light to my dark world and my reason to live now. Not only is she beautiful but a kind lovely unique soul to love.

I didn't know what u did in my past lives but receiving such blessing is priceless. I thought to myself " do i deserve her? Can i protect this wonderful female against anything that could bring her harm? Am i strong enough to be with her? This thought keeps running on my mind but I won't give up this chance to be happy" harvey curl his hand tightly. You can see the dedication and motivation to protect were oozing on his body.

I wake her up saying that I'm leaving her  for moment so i could tend to my daily check up routine but she just shoo's me away and return to her slumber again.

I finish my rounds early coz i can't stand leaving her alone unprotected and i miss her already.

I return home immediately to see the same state she was in. I put aside my things and start reheating her food.After it was done I transform to my beast and came to her side. I sniff and memorize her sweet scent from the bottom of my heart before i join her on the bed. (Happiness overload)


My mind were still drowsy due to the late rendezvous last night but I'll do admit that touching and pinching this warm and cozy fluff makes me giddy inside. I groped this poor victim by pulling it closer to me so i could rub my face on it. I could smell the forest mint mix with herbs that brought me a pleasant pleased sigh from my mouth.

"Sooo warm, and cozy!! Rubbing my face with this is heaven. You hear me HEAVEN" i continue my assault on the lucky victim.

A purring sound woke me up on my trance. The fluffy victim that i harass at this moment is none another than my one and only mate (as of now (⁠^⁠^⁠) ).

Harvey transform to his drop dead gorgeous form infront of me. My heart skip a beat and i started to drool on this masterpiece right here. I trace his ohh-so-yummilicious abs with my eyes that i couldn't help myself get wet. He sniff my arousal which earned me some growl at him. I mean ..... I don't mind to be the food offering for this sexy god.

I move close to him, snake my arms on his neck and kiss his luscious lips for my morning ritual greetings. I told ya MODESTY is not my thing anymore.

"Good morning mate! How was your day? Quick question we have any foods to munch?? I'm starving" still clinging to his neck while smiling cutely.

"cough! cough! yes elle.. just wait here and i'll get you your food and water right away so you could have your fill". Embarrass by his late reaction to his mate needs.

"Great! I love that..Thanks harvey! Your the best. "

I check my phone for time checking (old habits die hard ma men) and check my phone's condition.

✓no signal service
✓battery life - 86%
✓no damage (no scratch or crack)
✓available entertainment

Thank god, i downloaded dozens of random songs and videos on my phone and YouTube account during my leisure time (smart move on my part).

I scroll my phone on images and look at the familiar faces that i missed so much.

Harvey returned with my food and water and place it beside me. I express my gratitude and start munching my food with gusto. I offered him some meat but he decline.

I follow his gaze were my phone at and you could tell his amazement and uncertainty on the suspicious item.

"Hey harvey, can i call you babe?"

"Sure! But what's a babe?" Puzzlement plaster on his face

"Babe, is a petname use on earth for endearment to their love ones. For example, I used to call my husband hubby and he would call me wife/wifey (it depends on his mood) and I do think it's sweet and romantic."

Don't judge me! I'm a member of HOPELESS ROMANTIC CLUB on earth. So yeah! I'm gonna spread this virus to expand this community of HRC (hopeless romantic club) in this world.

His tail flicks in excitement.." ok elle! Can i call you babe also?"

"Sure!! Whatever you like!" (screaming internally)

Too much romantic excitement is waaaayyyy to dangerous for my sanity. I can't! I can't! I can't help it.. i just love this simple fluffy man infront of me.

I motion for him to come closer with grabby hands and he scoop me up to sit on his thigh without a hitch. I have to pacify my urge to smooch this specimen to bits without scaring this poor cat. I introduce to him the item that catch his attention earlier.I explain its function, uses and how it works. I also showed him the pictures of my family back home. You could see it in his eyes that his interest got stimulated. I teach him how to use my phone and i let him explore by itself.

I check my bag if i brought my charger and solar power bank with me. I do remember that i charge it full the night before and place it on the deeper pocket of my bag. I pulled everything out in search for it and found it on the bottom.

I organize my shits from clothes, to foods and valuable necessities. I open 1 soda to quell my thirst.

"Hhmmm!!!! that's the spot!" I moan in satisfaction.

I offer him for taste test and his reaction were hilarious. His eyes turn slits and he gulp it down immediately until the last drop. His first carbonated drink was SUCCESSFUL!!.

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