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Curtis place me on our bed and offer to hunt for our dinner for tonight. Yes! that's how long our talk come about.

I kissed him on the lips and bid him goodluck for his hunt and be careful.

Harvey finish treating parker's wound and laid him there on his make shift bed for patients.



I walk to harvey's side to help him sorted out his herbs of medicine.

"Babe, everything's alright?" I ask him

"Yes babe, why do you ask?" Harvey's response

"Nothing, it's just that I'm worried for that girl, i know I don't like her but she's just a girl still adjusting to this world, i thought if i took curtis, the story would change it's outline and she would be safe but the plotline still continues on its track. Different characters but still the same storyline. I'm afraid for our upcoming days." I look into his eyes full of anxiety.

He held me into his arms and assures me that everything will be alright.

"How much time would it take if you travel alone to beast city? I ask harvey

"It would take me up to 1 hour max if i run nonstop, why babe?? Do you want to go to beast city?" He inquires

"I have a plan, but this might pissed curtis off (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠), we haven't finalize what we discuss about me taking mates just now but i do have males in mind that i would like you to check and see. Their names are Winston, shuu and muir. Winston is a tiger beastman and  the brother of the current tiger king with 4 stripes, muir is a flying beastman which is a special guard under the leopard's queen rule with 3 stripes while shuu is a wolf prince with 2 stripes. I hope you could travel to beast city and find them for me. I don't like to travel right now coz i don't like to meet the ape king there. Tell them that i was looking for them here in the valley and i would like to meet them. Is it ok with you babe? I pleadingly look at him with expectation.

"But i won't force you to do this, i have to talk this out first to curtis on what his opinion about my plan." I added

"Babe, is winston and muir were the same situation as curtis? Are they the males mention in the story and this shuu is a side character just like me who died protecting the female from rosa and the ape king? Am i right? He utter.

I nodded in confirmation.

"In other words, you want them to be your mates" he added

"Yes" i blushed and shyly replied

"Ok! But first, we have to talk this out to curtis and hear his opinion about this plan of yours. I bet he would be pissed." - harvey chuckles to himself knowing curtis would flare up in anger.

"My harvey is the best mate ever! I love you and thank you babe" I hugged him tight and peppered him with kisses all over his face. He just smile to my antics with a tinge of red on his cheeks. ( aww! My baby is blushing (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

I set myself free from our embrace and continue our work with happy atmosphere.

2 hours laterrrrrr......................

Curtis hunted 4 rabbits and some fruits for me. Harvey took the rabbits to be skinned and prep it for dinner. His incharge for today's dinner. Harvey's talent for cooking improve tremendously compare to our first meeting. Now, my foods were delectable and savory with his magic touch.

CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now