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I hear a rustling sound coming from the outside of the hut. I thought to myself, a preggo woman with twins all alone without a companion is a good choice to kidnap. This world is so uncertain and dangerous that even our home is not the safest and ideal place to stay. I became vigilant and searched for any object as my weapon for defense which is a stick in our cooking place. Thinking that it is the best option for self protection, a stick is my best option and it is also very convenient to hold..what?! I don't have a choice..  it's not like we have a machete, a gun, a spork or anything that i could use for.. and to make my matters worse... none of my mates are present to protect me or my kids right now.

This woman gonna step it up. I ain't easy to be trifle with... Let's do this..get in on bitch! ...(self confidence reaches 110% with self improvise tactic )

I position myself near the window in case they barge in through the door forcefully. I have to think about my safety not just for myself but to my unborn children and husbands too.

I focus all my attention outside and devise an escape plan and route in my head. What to do if everything goes awry? I'll just jump, run and shout for help with my mates name on it... that's the plan ........GREAT (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)

I hold my breath, tightly hold the stick and wait for some live action to commence .. i imagine myself like lara croft with her cool stunt jumping onto something and have a less scathe on her body. That would be cool right?!

I shake my head erasing this nonsense thoughts and just focus all my attention to the door. Why is he taking so long to barge in? Or am i overthinking my situation? Come to think of it, if it's an intruder they wouldn't hesitate to force their way in. I didn't make a sound but I released a big sigh of relief when I heard the voice outside.

"Ellise, hon ... it's me muir..i'm home" muir called me softly behind the door while waiting for me to open up the door for him.

I place the "sacred weapon" on the floor and make my way to the door to open it.

"Oh! Thank god! It's you muir ..that scared the shit outta me. I thought there was someone outside trying to kidnap me or something but it's  just my overreacting and overthinking.  But hey! it's all good that you're here now.." I pat his shoulder to confirm his presence and i release another breath to calm my shaking nerves and heart. Damn brain!

Muir looks around, searching for something or someone. He took my hand and lead me to our bed. Then ask

"Did they leave you alone? Muir asked as his demeanor became dangerous.

"Oh, harvey went to get shuu because i wanted shuu to buy me rice in the nearby village. I'm craving rice right now.." i pout while telling him casually but then I looked at him confused written all over my face as how his mood shifted dramatically.

He gritted his teeth but still composed himself to avoid him lashing his anger at me.

I gave him a hug and a plentiful kiss to his cheeks which helps alleviate the tension that has now spread inside.

I pulled him to our bed to sit and took both his hands and ask " how was it hon? Did you succeed? Did he agree? What did he say? I bombarded him with questions as i was dying to know what the answer is.

"Please be good!! Please... I need good news for this one" i silently prayed on my head hopeful that Winston didn't reject my offer.

"Hmp... Don't forget your promise to me" he responded by dismissing all my questions to him.

"Of course, don't be silly.. you have my word.. were going to spend the whole day tomorrow.. just you and me. So make sure that you prepare our getaway..ok?! " I went closer to his ear then  whisper....

"Better yet, we could go...... (Blowing his ear gently) his poker face cracked with his face flushed with my teasing ..

"Is your nest near here?we can go there tomorrow, if you want" i continued my assault to him

He was now tomato red. "Ok! If that's what you want" He smiled enthusiastically

Bingo! That's how you coax a fragile male ... whahahah! His totally wrapped in my fingers now. I better ask him again what happened to my "winston errand" ..this better be good ..IF NOT.. I DON'T WANNA THINK NEGATIVE positive ellise! BE POSITIVE.. Your baby winston should accept it! I know it! If not........uggghhhh ...No! This is unacceptable .(overthink again! Stop it brain're making me miserable with your reasoning)...

I think my inner dilemma is quite serious if this goes on..better ask muir again before i conclude another hypothesis with concrete debate from my head.

"so where is he hon? Did he refuse or not? Don't leave me hanging. Damnit! " i ask again. I can't control my mouth to cuss at him with how he prolongs the answers I'm seeking.

"His outside" he answered. And that's the spark that fires my butt to stand.

I quickly scampered to the door to see if his really there.

There he is in his mighty glorious thor sculptured body. The very own WINSTON on the flesh......(internal screaming + ultimate fangirling commence)

"Oohhh mmmyyy goooddd!" I cover my mouth in exasperation. No words can describe how i'm feeling right now. It's like you got to see your bias up close and to meet him personally
.. i think my soul left my body just now.

This is too stimulating for me to handle.....

This is too stimulating for me to handle

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My WINSTON ...the very own winston.. i got to see him finally in person ..( beast god, thank you so so so much for creating such magnificent beings like winston.) His striking features is sooo damn over to the top. TOP NOTCH i tell ya!! His bearing is so powerful even his ABS!! don't forget those 8 solid pack abs.. i'm so head over heels with this man. His description doesn't justify how perfect this man is. Call me overdramatic....but damn ...(drool)♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)

I walk slowly to where he is.

I reached out my hand to touch him but retreat it quickly.  Afraid that all this is not real. My baby, my honeybunch, sugarplum, my sweet sweet winston.

Muir followed suit outside to where ellise went to. Afraid that she'll hurt herself in the process of how she acted excitedly.

"Uhm ...hi?.. winston?" I spoke first just to ease my erratic heart.

He awkwardly scratch the back of his head to hide his nervousness. (Damn those muscles!!)

"Hi, yes?" he answered back shyly

"He talk?!! and h-hhe replied to me?

I fan myself to prevent from fainting... I reach my hand to his arm again to confirm.

"Woah! So big and hard? I said to myself still caressing his arms.

"Are you for real?like real- real??" I ask to make sure that this is not a dream or product of  my hallucination and imagination

but oh boy!! .. they gave me dumbfounded looks like "are you serious look?"

He got stumped with my words but still respond kindly.

"I am, if you want can touch me again to check" he suggested..

Don't tempt me winston! This woman is shameless enough when it comes to this kind of provocation..

Don't mind if i do then..I touch his abs, his biceps, his chin, his shoulder and most of all his whole face... WHOLE FACE get it?! His eyes, his nose and his kissable lips ..i think i feel something warm running down on my nose. (NOSEBLEED!!).

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